PGA Tour and elite level players are now faster, stronger, and more flexible than ever before. Along with advancements in golf club technology, tour players have turned to fitness and conditioning to increase their power, distance, and control. A player can fine tune equipment to the exact specifications as desired but without a sound, fundamental golf swing equipment is useless. Examine the best players on tour and you see one characteristic over and over again: a successful and powerful golf swing starts within the core of the body. It’s no wonder that the Leaderboard came from one of the PGA Tour members itself, Stuart Appleby. Appleby set out to increase his course strength and fitness in order to create a more consistent, stable, and powerful golf swing. Thanks to Stuart Appleby, amateur golfers of all levels have the chance to improve their games on the exact same equipment that Adam Scott, Geoff Ogilvy, KJ Choi, Robert Allenby, Aaron Baddeley, Michael Campbell, Mike Weir, Rod Pampling and other proven PGA Tour winners use to lock-in their golf swing and fine tune the muscles they use to hit longer, straighter shots.
Fitness and strength are major factors in the sport of golf. In fact, you could argue that golfers are some of the most talented athletes in sports today in a game that requires brute strength, finesse, and mental fortitude all occurring in less than a second. While fitness is an important element in golf it can also be a major challenge for your average player. Traditional methods of golf exercise typically require access to a gym and an understanding of complex exercises that people often find trivial. Personally, I have always tried to maintain my fitness in order to keep my game at a high level and increase my ability to compete. I have implemented a number of core medicine ball exercises and resistance training but often find it difficult to translate these exercises directly to the golf course. Fortunately, I have been blessed with the opportunity to train using the Leaderboard training aid. This is simply one of the most versatile tools available on the market today and is now part of my daily regime.
The beauty of the Leaderboard lies in its versatility. The Leaderboard is a multifaceted training aid that provides instant and simple feedback while allowing golfers to use the tool at home, the range, and even the practice green all in a compact and easily transported package. At first, I was unaware of the capability of the Leaderboard but after taking the time to go through the three instructional DVD set provided with the Leaderboard I was astounded by its functions. The Leaderboard provides golfers with the ability to obtain a full and comprehensive core workout by targeting the core through a series of abdominal and leg exercises using golf specific motions. While golfers will appreciate its fitness qualities, the Leaderboard is also a powerful tool on the range. The use of medical grade resistance bands allows golfers to feel instant feedback and obtain muscle memory when making a powerful swing by storing energy in the lower body. This energy will translate into a more compact and repeatable swing that will lengthen your distance and increase your control in a solid and repeatable swing.
After using the Leaderboard over the last week, I have enjoyed the results I have achieved with this powerful training aid in such a short period of time. Simply put, the feedback provided by the Leaderboard is extremely simple to break down and translate into your golf swing. The adjustable resistance bands fit all levels of strength and allow you to feel the proper transfer of power that is stored in the lower body during the swing. Whether I am working on my core at home or using the Leaderboard on the range, I feel that the Leaderboard is the type of training aid that can eliminate the need of a gym. I will personally be canceling my gym membership once my contract is up and will be using the Leaderboard in my daily fitness routine. I cannot stress the functionality and performance of the Leaderboard enough and the impact it will have in your game. It is simply a powerful tool that is a part of the daily routine for many of the top players on the PGA Tour and now it can be part of yours.
The MSRP of the device is $250. You can read more about this device and purchase one directly online at Pro Leaderboard.
Dan D.
Got a chance to try one of these out and the reviewer is dead on. This device is simply amazing.
Nice review, I’ve been looking for a way to increase my fitness level. One question though, overall construction, will it stand up to a 250lb. golfer?
I would love to combine this with a swing video–what a great combo that would be!
Hey guys…
1.) yes MO, this machine is built pretty well and feels solid. There is a little more plastic than I would like to see in its overal construction but in my initial test it feels very, very solid. In the long run, I am not sure but I don’t see any major issues in its construction. I normally weight 215lbs but with the winter months and the inability to play golf I am at my winter weight of 223lbs and I felt supported.
2.) Claire, at the first use the Leaderboard humbles you. If you have issues with weight transfer or find yourself having an uneven tempo the Leaderboard lets you know immediately. I have a tendency to get quick the take away and I almost fell over using the board. By falling over I do not mean in a dangerous sense, just mentally and physically aware of my balance point being thrown off. It is the ultimate in quick and easy feedback that is easily translated back into your golf swing.
Chicago winter – I stay indoors and I don’t have high enough ceilings to swing a regular golf club indoors. Is it possible to use the Leaderboard indoors without a golf club? Drills, etc?
Hey Paul,
I also have low ceiling but I use a modified club that I built myself to work on tempo. I took an old club and cut the steel shaft about half way up and attached steel rods with an entire roll of duck tape. The steel came from a local railroad depot and worked well. The tool allows me to get into a smooth tempo and I only work with 1/4 swings.
Hi JB,
I’m still curious if the Leaderboard can be used indoors with a low ceiling and/or without a regular golf club?
(see previous post).
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I found your blog via Google while searching for golf course contruction, thank you for posting kers Paradise − Pro Leaderboard Review!
A late answer, but I just got mine. You can definitely use this indoors with low ceilings, as you don’t actually need to swing a club to gain the advantages in balance and flexibility it offers. In fact, I do not intend to use mine indoors with a full club swing, since my basement ceilings won’t accomodate that either. Nonetheless, if you want to swing a club as well, you can do what DD suggested and break one down, or else use a small handheld weight, like a medicine ball, instead. In fact, the video describes a number of exercises that work around a medicine ball or which do not use a club at all. Then of course you will want to continue to use it during the warmer months, and it is easy to transport outside for all the full swing swinging you’d like to do.
4. They’re reasonably priced.