Q-Link Pendant Review

We have heard the debates before. “They do nothing” or “They helped me like a miracle”, but do these things actually work? We were asked to take the Q-Link Challenge and by the end of this review, we hope to have some answers. When we were first contacted by the company to review this product, I immediately thought that they were in for a treat. I have laughed my way around the course many a times when I see guys wearing these things and swear by them. It seems as though every few years a fad comes through that gets a bunch of people asking “Does it work?” and after a few years they blow over and the people that swore by them realized they wasted some money. But none of those seemed to have the staying power as the Q-Link.

When the company called us and asked for us to cover it, I must admit I had a “devilish” grin on my face and was really looking forward to proving all of them wrong once and for all. After a few short days a package arrived and in the small little box was my very own Q-Link to try out along with some literature on exactly how great this device is.

Here is some info from the company:

First introduced on Tour in 1999, Q-Link® products by Clarus quickly found favor with many of the world’s best players, who recognized the game-enhancing benefits of the brand’s proprietary SRT-3 technology.

In the decade since, Q-Link products have been worn by more than 350 Tour players worldwide and played a vital role in 120 wins, including a British Open, U.S. Women’s Open, U.S. Senior Open and Women’s British Open.

To celebrate 10 years as the necessary and often coveted accessory of many top PGA, LPGA and Champions Tour players, the company has added a new line of men’s and women’s golf bracelets alongside its existing range of world-famous pendants.


• Titanium Black/Polished Bracelets ($199.95 MSRP)
• Stainless Steel Bracelets ($129.95 MSRP)

• White or Black Pendant ($99.95 MSRP)
• Titanium Pendant ($239.95 MSRP)
• Polished Silver or Brushed Silver Pendant ($349.95 MSRP)


The SRT-3 technology central to all Q-Link products rebalances a person’s energetic systems, resulting in lower scores through:

• Greater energy and stamina • Reduction in symptoms of the “yips”
• Increased ability to focus • Faster recovery from bad shots
• Enhanced feeling of calm • Fewer first tee jitters

In addition to on-course benefits, the new Q-Link bracelets and popular pendants promote better overall sleep and alleviate symptoms of jet lag common among international Tour players, business and leisure travelers. They have also been shown to decrease the negative effects from today’s popular electronics, such as mobile phones and computers.

With all the technical stuff behind us, let’s get down to the meat and potatoes of this review. The testing and results. When I opened up the box, I realized that the pendant and strap were not connected so you slide the “rope” through the slot and presto, a necklace is made. You then tie it in the back. In all honesty, I would have preferred this to be already hooked up, because when I tied it, I found that there was a lot of strap left over, but I did not want to cut it until I figured out if I could use the device full time. But my pendant and necklace was assembled and ready to go but there is one step to take before you jump right into it.

The Q-Link Challenge is something simple to do and you can do it right at your computer screen. You log into the website and once setup a simple test of hand/eye coordination as well reaction time is performed. The Q-Link Challenge involves taking the test without the pendant and then again 14 days later once you have worn the pendant during that time. Here were my results in stage one.

Attention 90%
Motor Speed 68%
Global Performance 78%
Reaction Time 680ms

For 14 days I wore my Q-link. I wore it golfing, shopping, sleeping, and everything else we did. To be perfectly honest, I did not notice any difference. Other than I awoke scared out of my mind one night because I thought a bug was on me when in reality it was just the left over strap from the necklace.

So after my 14 days of wearing this thing, it was time to take the Q-Link Challenge again. This time while wearing the device and after I have been wearing it for 14 days. So I log back in and realize the test is exactly the same as the first test. So instead of having them “skew” the results to make it look better, I decide to take the first test again and see what the results say.

Attention 90%
Motor Speed 84%
Global Performance 82%
Reaction Time 620ms

As you can see I did better in just about every category. I still was a little unsure of what any of this meant and whether or not it had a little something to do with the fact that I had already seen the test once before. Regardless, I just decide to keep it on and wouldn’t you know my golf game got better. Did I notice a difference on the course? No, of course not. But my handicap went down while using this device. At the time I did not put two and two together, and am still not sold on the fact that the Q-Link had anything to do with it. However the proof is in the results. My USGA official handicap is online and people can see just what my scores have been over the last 3 weeks compared to before. It is only a stroke or two better, but it did go down with the pendant on. Between that and the Q-Link Challenge and I am pretty sold.

Overall the million dollar question is “Do they work?” and the answer is MAYBE. They worked for me, and I am the ultimate Closed Minded person when it comes to things such as this as many of our forum members can attest to. In some ways, what do you have to lose. They offer a complete 90 day Money Back Guarantee, so if it does not work, you get your money back. That is why we can with complete confidence recommend this device to everybody to try out. It worked for me (I think it did anyway) and may work for you. But you can try it and if it does nothing for you, return it for a full refund. For more information on the Q-Link, check out their website at Q-Link Products.

Till Next Time

Josh B.

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Josh Babbitt is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media. He has a passion for the game and the equipment and travels the country hosting THP Experiences bringing the golf industry together with our forum community.