Signup Now – The 2025 Data Experience with Shot Scope

Today is the beginning of signups for a fun event that called the Data Experience with Shot Scope. For those that have missed the full details, this experience is unlike any other complete with learning how you can use data to make the game more enjoyable.

When & Where

May 4-6, 2025
Victoria National
Newburgh, Indiana

Cost is $599
New Shot Scope Prior and SO MUCH MORE at Experience
Multiple Rounds of Golf at Victoria National
Cottage Lodging Onsite
All Meals and Drinks Onsite
Forecaddies For Golf
And So Much More

This will kick off well before the actual THP Experience as the lucky participants will each get a care package containing a Shot Scope device. Your job will be to play a few rounds so that some data can be tracked before coming to Victoria National. Upon arrival, the amazing will begin. Education, Data, More Goodies and so much more!

You will play golf at this beautiful private facility with both Gavin and Jennifer from Shot Scope in a team competition. From there more data will be broken down with the goal being to help you understand your game and equipment.


THP Events are held throughout the year and are incredibly unique ways to share a round or weekend with THPers and are filled with equipment, prizes and more. Your ticket to enter these events is the 2025 Albatross Club membership which goes to help a wonderful charity benefitting children. For more information on that or to sign up and help support this great cause, click here.

How to Signup

Follow these instructions for a chance to join this amazing trip

Step 1: Send an email to [email protected] with this info:
Your full name and forum name
Confirm you are a 2025 Albatross Club Member
Your Current Approximate Handicap
Have You Tried Data Tracking Before
Date of Birth

Step 2: Sit back for a few days and see if you are a participant of this very special event when they are announced in a new thread on the THP Forum.

Good luck everybody!

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Josh Babbitt is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media. He has a passion for the game and the equipment and travels the country hosting THP Experiences bringing the golf industry together with our forum community.