TaylorMade Tour Preferred Forged Irons Review

THP believes that some of the best reviews come from the people out there playing golf and one of our slogans is “For the consumer, by the consumer”. What better way to find out about the latest and greatest in the world of golf equipment than from other golfers from different handicap levels. TaylorMade Golf is getting ready to release a new iron line to the world called Tour Preferred and it is made up of 3 different sets of irons. The MB, MC and CB irons each are geared towards different skill levels and each have characteristics in terms of performance/forgiveness. Here is a brief video with the company shot by THP explaining the new sets.

10 golfers from the THP Forum were chosen to get a set of irons and work on a long term review. Each golfer has been given the task to work with these irons over many months and update their thoughts in an ongoing review thread on the forum for the world to follow and decide if these are the right set for them. You can follow along with these reviews that will be filled with pictures and thoughts by clicking on the links below associated with each set of irons.

TaylorMade Tour Preferred CB Iron Reviews

TaylorMade Tour Preferred MC Iron Reviews

TaylorMade Tour Preferred MB Iron Reviews

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Josh Babbitt is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media. He has a passion for the game and the equipment and travels the country hosting THP Experiences bringing the golf industry together with our forum community.