The 2023 Project X Experience

The Shaft is still an enigma to many golfers and today we are excited to unveil an event that is going to fit, educate and help people enjoy this side equipment more than ever before. This is the 2023 Project X Experience.

When and Where
Dates: 9/11-9/13
Location: Dormie Club West End, NC


Cost and What’s Included
Cost is $499
Driver Shaft Fitting with Keenan Phillips from Project X
Custom Shaft for Your Driver
Multiple Rounds of Golf at Dormie Club (54 Holes)
Cottage Lodging Onsite
All Meals and Drinks Onsite
Forecaddies For Golf
And So Much More

You will play golf at this beautiful private facility with Keenan Phillips and another team member. The 2023 Project X Experience kicks off with a driver fitting the day before golf at the range of the Dormie Club and you will put your new driver into play the following day. 54 Holes of golf will take place along with amazing meals, luxury accommodations and a Shaft Knowledge Boot Camp (which is a refresher to understand what shaft tech means). Post Event, a custom version of the shaft you were fit for at the Project X Experience, will be created and sent to you.

THP Events are held throughout the year and are incredibly unique ways to share a round or weekend with THPers and are filled with equipment, prizes and more. Your ticket to enter these events is the 2023 Albatross Club membership which goes to help a wonderful charity benefitting children. For more information on that or to sign up and help support this great cause, click here.

How to Signup
Signup will be May 16th on the THP Forum

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Josh Babbitt is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media. He has a passion for the game and the equipment and travels the country hosting THP Experiences bringing the golf industry together with our forum community.