Wilson Staff Fybrid Review

Rather than do the traditional review of the clubs, I want to share with the readers, how these particular clubs got into MY BAG!

Recently I was in the market for new hybrids. After researching for months I realized that I was more confused than ever before. It seems that every hybrid that you see is the longest and straightest on the market. To make matters worse every single company out there seems to have three or four models to choose from. So when decision time came around I decided that there was only one way to do it. Hit every single hybrid I could find in one day and make my decision.

So I called a local golf store that we work with a lot and asked for a special request. I asked if he could take a hybrid of each and every brand that they had and put it in the demo area for me. But their was a stipulation. I did not want to know which ones I was hitting. Now obviously due to shafts and logos on grips, sometimes you just know what club you have in your hand. But we did our best to just pick a club and hit with it. We hit 5 balls with each club and there were two of us hitting simultaneously.

The two of us did our best to “hit blind” and not know what we were hitting. All of the hybrids selected were a 4 iron hybrid and most were within 1 degree of each other. Each time we made it through the cycle of clubs, we would eliminate two of them. Suprisingly enough most of the time we picked the same two. When it came down to the last four hybrids left, we matched on three of the four, so we just took those three to the “final showdown”. We will not get into other clubs here, but suprisng to both of us the Wilson Staff was in the finals.

Now many of us are guilty of discounting Wilson Staff equipment for one reason or another. Whether it be some of the products that “Wilson” produces, or the fact that we just do not hear about them a lot, both of us were guilty of it too. When we finished our hitting I had picked the Wilson Staff Fybrid as my overall favorite. But I must confess, I was so shocked that I did not even buy them. I had to go home and do some research, because they were just not on my original list.

So after researching endlessly for days on whether or not I wanted to go with Wilson Staff, I realized that every review I had read was a positive one. So back I went to the store to purchase these hybrids and put them in my bag. Since then I have realized even moreso how much I love these clubs. Off the tee, out of the fairway, or even in the deep stuff these clubs have been everything I could ask for. They are definately something we recommend for every person out there looking for a change in long irons or hybrids.

Now that my long, boring, story is out of the way, here are some things to help you learn about Wilson Staff hybrids. We contacted them after I purchased mine so that we could get all of the technical specs for our readers rather than my gibberish.

Wilson Staff FYbrids fuse fairway woods and hybrids into one easy-to-understand family of fairway utilities. The result is simpler club selection, and easier-to-hit options for long distance needs.

The FY replaces three clubs: the 2-iron, the 2-hybrid and the 7-wood. Research has proven that the optimum loft from fairway lies is 19.5 degrees and a club length of 41 inches. The FY club is the only club on the market today that offers these exact specifications.

The unique sole design with heel, toe and central reliefs, creates a rail system that prevents the club from bouncing into the ball at impact; the leading cause of thin shots. The toe and heel reliefs also make the club more playable from side hill lies, and allow the club to be laid open or closed for more advanced shot-making.

3. SHAFT: UST V2 graphite shaft offers tour-proven Proforce tip technology for stability and accuracy.

Overall these clubs are a must try for anyone out there that is looking for something that can take them to the next level. I use my Bridge Club as much as any club in my bag it seems and it never lets me down. Take the time to learn more about these clubs, you will not be disappointed. You can read tons of info about them here.

Till Next Time

Josh B.

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Josh Babbitt is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media. He has a passion for the game and the equipment and travels the country hosting THP Experiences bringing the golf industry together with our forum community.