Win a Custom Cobra Wedge: Worst Golf Podcast #14

Everybody wants to be the best, we strive to be the worst. When a bad take is necessary, we will be here to share it with you. This is Episode 14 and we have a fun show today that will be live at 1pm ET, as we answer your submitted questions and announce a MAJOR CONTEST!

For weekly viewers/listeners, you know about this contest already. If you are new to the show, Jose Miraflor from Cobra Golf announced on Episode 12 that we would have a fun contest coming up for a killer prize. The lucky winner will win a custom hand ground wedge after a 30 minute consultation with him learning how you use your wedges and a little bit about your game. Then he will go to work and create the perfect grind for you.

Of course, if you prefer to not watch, you can listen to the show right here, Apple Podcasts or from anywhere you do your listening and downloading from. Search for the Hackers Paradise and make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. After listening, come back over and drop us a note below on what you agree and/or disagree with from each episode.

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THPGolf · Win a Custom Cobra Wedge: Worst Golf Podcast #14

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Josh Babbitt is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media. He has a passion for the game and the equipment and travels the country hosting THP Experiences bringing the golf industry together with our forum community.