The Fitness & Workout Thread

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Took the first run since april. Didn't go so badly as I expected, but sure, should've ran some more during the summer, but golf/ I actually hate running. It's terrible, but we started to run with a co-worker in februari, in -15 celsius, 6am before work, so running no, in +10 celsius doesn't feel that bad :D
Just wanted to post to say. Well done to everyone in this thread for working so hard in gyms everywhere. It's really makes a difference to have guys pushing you and motivating you to be better. Sharing workouts giving nutritional advice keeps us all going.

Keep up to good work guys
Just wanted to post to say. Well done to everyone in this thread for working so hard in gyms everywhere. It's really makes a difference to have guys pushing you and motivating you to be better. Sharing workouts giving nutritional advice keeps us all going.

Keep up to good work guys

it really makes a huge difference having some motivation from you all. I'm working out hard and my girlfriend is getting her butt kicked by Jillian Michael's (DVDs) hahah
it really makes a huge difference having some motivation from you all. I'm working out hard and my girlfriend is getting her butt kicked by Jillian Michael's (DVDs) hahah

Fair play to you both lad. Remember you don't have to be fit to start but you do have to start to be fit
Fair play to you both lad. Remember you don't have to be fit to start but you do have to start to be fit

best quote of the day, thank you sir
I'm starting to amp up my mileage a little bit in prep for the fall/winter half marathons and a full marathon in the spring. Ran 13.6 this morning. (I had to mention the .6 -- it was the hardest part.) Feel pretty good. The cooler weather helps.

Question for those who have run marathons. How do you get yourself mentally prepared to run the longer training runs (e.g., 18-20 miles). I think I could have run another three or four this morning, but I'm not sure how I am going to get 20 in.
Just wanted to post to say. Well done to everyone in this thread for working so hard in gyms everywhere. It's really makes a difference to have guys pushing you and motivating you to be better. Sharing workouts giving nutritional advice keeps us all going.

Keep up to good work guys

I can only agree. Here's something about nutrition that works for me. Not going say that it would work for all people or all purposes.

- Aim for macros about 40/30/30 (Protein/Carbs/Fat)
- Eat good fat, nuts, oils, fish, pure fat (not processed), rather real butter than something that simulates fat but says "light".
- Eat carbs, your brain needs it. Your body works better if the carb intake is there, but it's not too big or too small.
- Eat less than you eat for weight loss, vice versa for gain.
- Eat good protein, chicken (grilled), milk products, meat.
- Healthy food, the less processed, the better.
- Eat often, three/four hours between meals.
- Workout 3-5 times a week.
- Eat some garbage also, but keep it under control.

These can be obvious things, so how is so hard?

My key was small steps, nobody can eat just lettuce for ever.
Key points for me:

Bread -> No more bread at all (at home).
Soda -> sugarfree soda.
Pasta -> Fullwheat pasta.
Deepfried -> No more deepfried
McDonalds -> One burger is enough. No fries.
Candy / snacks -> During a week, small amounts everyday, or one bigger set on the weekend. I love candy and snacks. But they'll destroy you.

Basically this is very simple.

As long as you eat more protein than anything else, you can't go wrong.
Todays Pump House motivation came in the form of Captain Chunky and Team Hackers


I absolutely love that chunky shirt it makes me laugh every time I'm reading through this thread
I'd like to share my story, and opinions, and that's just what they are :) I'm just a beginner in working out, just as in golf.

When I was a kid I was quite lean, played serious junior ice-hockey, and was a normal teen just running around. No real weight issues. In '97 I was diagnosed with Colitis Ulcerosa (inflammatory bowel disease) and started to pack up some serious medication. I gained and lost weight in absurd proportions, up to 30-40 pounds in a month, up & down. That was basically because of the medication, the cortisone amounts I had to take gathered fluids like hell. Well, I was operated in '99 and couldn't move around for a bit. That wasn't the problem, but I could several years easily blame my past condition for not taking care of my self. Several years passed by. I started studying in '04 which led to an in furious amount of partying and eating bad food. The one most important factor was also that I've always had problems getting sleep. I slept years only a 4-5 hours a night (on weekends more, you don't have to wake up). Slowly I gained weight and got phlegmatic. I tried diets (speedy one's), working out (usually lasted a week or so) and all sorts of stuff, but apparently always too big steps, and couldn't keep it up. Also I noticed that when you are out of shape and start to work out, your defense mechanisms and immunity system takes a slight dip, and I usually got a flu or something which stopped the training and healthy eating. Then it would take months to get yourself try it again. Doomed to fail.

Luckily, in the end of 2007 and beginning of 2008 I started to take small baby steps towards a healthier future. I don't know if it was my subconscious telling me that "dude, you are getting old, shape up a-hole", or was it just by chance that I managed to get a few months of straight forward healthy food, working out and sleep. I weighed about 236 lbs in december 2007. What got me sleep even better was a natural hormone called melatonin (human brain produces melatonin, and tells your body that you should sleep), in the EU you have to get a prescription, but in the US it's available in all drug stores.

Food wise, the only thing I did was to stop buying bred home, making sure I eat more protein than anything else, and rest will take care of itself. Of course I left out candy and snacks for a while, but after a while you don't crave them anymore. Alcohol intake was reduced later naturally because the need to work out got bigger than the need to have a couple of beers. You can't really work out hungover, right?

Working out then. I started to go to the gym and swimming, and even indoor cycling. I did it quite slowly, didn't try to kill my self in the beginning, three times a week was good. Then after several months, I noticed that I was exercising 4-6 times a week, hadn't eaten fast food more than once or twice in six months, and hadn't been drunk more than once during that time. Calculating calories is not for everyone, but everybody should do it for a while so that they get some idea how much is good for you. The best part is, the more you work out, the more you can eat! I got taking these small steps, until they were big, if you look back. I got from 236 to 176 lbs in a period of 20-24 months. That's a long time, but that's 60 lbs.

A lot of people (especially girls) say that they don't like to lift weights because they don't want to get too much muscles and get all bulky. Well, trust me, you don't. It takes a huge amount of work and work-out hours to get bulky. Normal people with normal habits don't get bulky. They might get muscles, and they get toned, but they don't get bulky. The fact the usually people forget, or don't know how it affects your body, is that the more muscles you have the more fat they burn. It takes an enormous amount of work out to first build muscle, then loose fat, and just build muscle. If you work out two, three, four times a week, you just loose the fat. Of course this isn't always the case, the point is that afraid of getting bulky is just ignorance and a lazy excuse not to workout. Just do it, it's easier to loose the unwanted muscles than to get rid of some extra fat. Also, you need to eat damn lot of energy to get big, and if you eat less than you use, you can't get bulky.

I've used several different work-out programs at the gym, and some of them work better than others. The easiest, and most effective, at least for most people, is the Golden Six by Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's simple, effective, hard but at the same time easy. It's big muscle groups and most of the exercises puts several different muscle groups working. Here it is:

Three times a week. One rest in between. I usually keep only a minutes pause between sets, in the original program they vary a bit.

Squat 4x10
Bench Press 3x10
Chins/Pulldowns 3x10
Behind-Neck Press 4x10
Barbell Curl 3x10
Sit Ups 4x20

I still work out with this one. I didn't go to the gym during april - september because the GOLF, but now I got back, and this is with what I begin with.

Here's me in 2007



Keep on working, you'll swing better too.

dude your story is impressive! Keep up the good work
So Friday taught me that I can't go on neglecting the leg workouts! Man I still feel it today. I got in a short run and some walking over the weekend too, but I'm still a little tight. Football tonight should shake it out of me. Then I'll hit the shoulders/bi/tri I reckon. Glamour muscles all the way, ha. :D
I just eat raw steaks. Fresh off the cow.
I just eat raw steaks. Fresh off the cow.

You have them cut into steaks first? Pah. Bet you also have the hide removed!

Feeling that good kind of sore this morning. Shoulders/bi/tri sets x 10 last night after an hour of football. Just a short run and some ab work today.
You have them cut into steaks first? Pah. Bet you also have the hide removed!

Feeling that good kind of sore this morning. Shoulders/bi/tri sets x 10 last night after an hour of football. Just a short run and some ab work today.

Did ball shake out the legs for you ??

Today is gonna be chest/biceps and legs
Did ball shake out the legs for you ??

Today is gonna be chest/biceps and legs

Yeah it did man. A lot of stretching and gentle jogging required to warm up first though!

Hit it hard!
dhjkelly- That workout you sent over...yeah, it's pretty impressive dude. I did Shoulders/Tri's yesterday, and looking at the workout I thought it was going to be a breeze, it kicked my butt. I think I was hitting the Arnold Press with about 40lb dumbbells, just couldnt lift anymore. Add a superset in to the mix and my shoulders were toast.

Thanks for sharing that buddy, I am enjoying it.
dhjkelly- That workout you sent over...yeah, it's pretty impressive dude. I did Shoulders/Tri's yesterday, and looking at the workout I thought it was going to be a breeze, it kicked my butt. I think I was hitting the Arnold Press with about 40lb dumbbells, just couldnt lift anymore. Add a superset in to the mix and my shoulders were toast.

Thanks for sharing that buddy, I am enjoying it.

I'm glad your enjoying it dude. I have been doing that program 4 days a week for 3 weeks now and found a huge increase in my strength as well as all round fitness. I have a weight in next week and then all the weights go up
Just a short run and ab work last night. Feels like I almost skipped a day. Legs are feeling worn out this week, that's a good thing.

I'm now almost 3 weeks in to tracking my eating habits on myfitnesspal. Already starting to see where I could improve slightly and what I need to adjust. Hoping to be able to get a plan together pretty soon.
So tomorrow, I'm going back to the gym at the university finally. I've been working out from home with some weights that I have here for a few weeks and I've seen a huge difference already. My girlfriend and I are hitting the track first-gonna run a mile and then go lift for the rest of the time, should be fun
I'm finally got in a routine. I started swimming again paired with running and some calisthenics. I feel quite a bit better and hopefully my golf game will improve too.
I'm finally got in a routine. I started swimming again paired with running and some calisthenics. I feel quite a bit better and hopefully my golf game will improve too.

That's awesome, I think I'll try out swimming a few times this month, i forget that my university has all these facilities I never used lol
That's awesome, I think I'll try out swimming a few times this month, i forget that my university has all these facilities I never used lol

I hadn't swam in about a year and was really surprised that I could still get in a few laps before I was tired. It's such a good whole body workout and low impact I don't know why I ever got away from it.
I hadn't swam in about a year and was really surprised that I could still get in a few laps before I was tired. It's such a good whole body workout and low impact I don't know why I ever got away from it.

This is going to be fun, I've never swam for fitness so it should be different
So tomorrow, I'm going back to the gym at the university finally. I've been working out from home with some weights that I have here for a few weeks and I've seen a huge difference already. My girlfriend and I are hitting the track first-gonna run a mile and then go lift for the rest of the time, should be fun

I'm finally got in a routine. I started swimming again paired with running and some calisthenics. I feel quite a bit better and hopefully my golf game will improve too.

Good stuff guys! Feels good to get into it, doesn't it?
Thinking more about what we eat, I quite liked this article. It's simple, but gives a couple of ideas of foods you could easily substitute into your diet if you're planning to eat more sensibly towards your goals.

Any opinions on the suggestions from the guys who are a little more knowledgeable in nutrition than I am?
I'm thinking about getting a "ultimate sandbag", but they are quite expensive. I did notice though that WalMart sells basically the same product, but under the SKLZ brand. Any experiences? Either on the product or sandbag training?
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