2013 Fitness & Nutrition Thread With Coach Beard

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So, I just weighed myself and I am down 26.4lbs in less than a week. It is quite shocking but is really reaffirming my decision. I know the next year isnt going to be easy but If it means I get even 1 day more with my wife and daughter then it is worth it.

Men that think this way - are just that - MEN, stepping up to do whatever it takes to be with their family, no matter how hard it is. Way to go! :thumb:
Not particularly. Going to go as far as I can go. Just want to be healthy and active.

That is the best goal to get to a healthy weight and a place where you can be active for that beautiful little girl of yours.
Just ordered Focus T25. No more excuses for not having enough time to work out.
I dunno, I aint no doctor. Me personally, I don't use either. I try my best to buy things without hfcs or Aspartame, I make my own bread, I make my own sauces and condiments, pasta, ect. If I do use sugar I use unrefined or agave necter or honey. I don't drink soda or sport drinks, I happen like for water to taste like water, water isn't here to entertain me.
Gonna try to start biking, I rode bmx for a long time but really haven't touched a bike in ten years. We have some older Schwinn mountain bikes that will have to make due for now. Not going to rush out and get a bike if I don't enjoy it. Went for a 25 minute ride today and I can see that it is going to be a good work out, this area is nothing but hills so it should be a challenge.
I joined LA Fitness three months after my transplant and have slowly worked up - both in lifting and in cardio - to almost manly levels. For lifting, I've been taking baby steps and am still using machines with weight stacks. I've broken my gym time into three different workouts: (1) Pushing: shoulders, chest and triceps, (2) Pulling: Rows, lats and biceps and (3) Legs: leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises. I do each of these workouts 3x/ week + I do 35 minutes on the elliptical (about 350 calories). On the other three non-lifting days I just do 45 minutes of cardio on the elliptical. On the seventh day I rest - that's usually Sunday. Sunday rest has resulted in lower protein levels in my blood and good creatinine numbers which makes my nephrologist happy.

I've dropped 18 lbs since my discharge from the hospital which was the second week of February, to 182 lbs from 200 lbs, but I was at a low of 11 lbs less - 173 lbs - before I started working out. I reached 187 after I started working, probably because I was eating without watching how much I was eating. Using FitnessPal, I now count all my calories eaten and burned via cardio. So far I've lost 5 lbs from the 187 lbs I was at, by limiting myself to a net of 1500 calories/day, often running about 1300-1400/day.

Oh Bearded One, is 1500 calories net OK for a 52 y/o man weighing 182?
Well Jen decided she wants to start swimming so we took ourselves off to the local pool last night and I had forgotten how much exercise it actually is.....chest and shoulders were aching a bit this morning, but I think the plan is to swim once a week for the time being, maybe twice if we can find the time and just build up the number of lengths
Ran 3 miles yesterday on vacation. Been walking a ton here. Back at it tomorrow when we get home!
Ran 3 miles yesterday on vacation. Been walking a ton here. Back at it tomorrow when we get home!

So hard to keep it going during the summer. Its easy to be active and outside doing things but hard to get to the gym to lift.

So far this year, starting in January, I've lost 23.9 pounds, starting at 185 and down to 166.1 as of today. I haven't really been doing anything other than just keeping busy, no real routine of exercise. I am going to try and get back to the gym and eating more reasonably again. I have three days of healthy eating down and now one day back at the gym lifting. I think I am going to take it easier this time by doing two on, one off, two on, two off.
A progressive pullup ladder (1 pullup the first minute, 2 the second minute, 3 the third, etc.) at Crossfit on Friday resulted in some torn callouses. Got to 17 pullups, though.

Saturday was a fundraiser workout for St. Jude's Children's hospital. 1 minute each of burpees, power snatch, box jumps, thrusters, and chest to bar pullups, then one minute of rest, for three rounds. Managed 185 reps, raised some money, felt good...but totally ruined my hands. Was not able to swing a golf club, could scarcely hold one, all weekend.

Crossfit is awesome. But it's got its downsides.
A little over a month now into serious effort to get into shape. A few years ago I was around 175 lbs after being 135 lb when I got married 10 years ago. We changed our diet but didn't really exercise and that got me down to around 160 lb just by making better food choices, swapping bad for better versions of the same thing (like brown rice instead of white, natural sugars instead of HFC, etc.) But to get any further required work. So every Mon-Wed-Fri I make use of our company fitness center and do 20 mins of cardio on a treadmill or recumbent bike and then a circuit of weight training and core on the weight machine or dumbells.

I'm at 158 lb right now, but my arms, shoulders, and legs are bigger and my chest is a little smaller as I replace fat with muscle. Still waiting for the belly fat to start to go away (holding steady at 37 inches around the belly button).

Any faster way to get rid of the belly?
A little over a month now into serious effort to get into shape. A few years ago I was around 175 lbs after being 135 lb when I got married 10 years ago. We changed our diet but didn't really exercise and that got me down to around 160 lb just by making better food choices, swapping bad for better versions of the same thing (like brown rice instead of white, natural sugars instead of HFC, etc.) But to get any further required work. So every Mon-Wed-Fri I make use of our company fitness center and do 20 mins of cardio on a treadmill or recumbent bike and then a circuit of weight training and core on the weight machine or dumbells.

I'm at 158 lb right now, but my arms, shoulders, and legs are bigger and my chest is a little smaller as I replace fat with muscle. Still waiting for the belly fat to start to go away (holding steady at 37 inches around the belly button).

Any faster way to get rid of the belly?

Burning off belly fat (visceral fat) is a process that takes place as much in the kitchen as the weight room. Cutting out carbs and starches, and limiting your intake to the earlier part of the day, and upping your cardio-exercise intensity, are your best ways to increase your overall metabolic work rate (your resting metabolism) to the point where your body will access that visceral fat to burn for energy.

So a couple of times a week, instead of just 20 minutes on the treadmill, do 12-15 minutes of interval sprints. Instead of doing your weights as a circuit of regular 3 sets of 10, lace together two or three exercises and do all three of them without resting in between, like pushups, rows/pull-downs and squats.

Bear in mind, this is going to be a pretty big intensity jump, so if you have underlying health issues, talk to your doc before putting it into effect.
Good luck, I've seen this on the internet twice today. Looks like its getting popular.

Just finished our first workout. Sweating like I was on the course yesterday. Such a great workout. Today was cardio - looking forward to see what the rest of the workouts are like.
Please do some reviews of it after your first week, etc. I want to try it out with the missus, but am always a bit wary of telemarketing.

Starting Focus T25 today!
Please do some reviews of it after your first week, etc. I want to try it out with the missus, but am always a bit wary of telemarketing.

A bunch of us have done insanity on here and have had good results, I am sure T25 is good as well.
Started at 325 on January 1st down to 269 on July 4th. Feel fantastic due to Weight Watchers, Crossfit, and a Couch 2 5k program.
Please do some reviews of it after your first week, etc. I want to try it out with the missus, but am always a bit wary of telemarketing.

A friend of mind is a beachbody coach. There are a lot of gimmicks out there, but p90x, insanity, and t25 are not gimmicks - they are really solid programs.

We did insanity a few years ago, but it was tough to squeeze in some of the longer workouts before work. Now that T25 is out and is nothing but 25 minute workouts, we have no excuses.
A friend of mind is a beachbody coach. There are a lot of gimmicks out there, but p90x, insanity, and t25 are not gimmicks - they are really solid programs.

We did insanity a few years ago, but it was tough to squeeze in some of the longer workouts before work. Now that T25 is out and is nothing but 25 minute workouts, we have no excuses.
This is making me think about making this purchase. I usually try and fit a 25-30 minute workout in on my lunch break. This sounds like it may fit my needs perfect.
This is making me think about making this purchase. I usually try and fit a 25-30 minute workout in on my lunch break. This sounds like it may fit my needs perfect.

PM coming your way.
Day 2 of T25 complete. I forgot how good it feels to work out in the morning
Day 2 of T25 complete. I forgot how good it feels to work out in the morning

Thats awesome man. Keep it up. Do you wear a hulkamania headband while you work out for extra motivation?
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