What are you snacking on?

I hate people like that :angel:
I was making the dough last night while the Braves were winning and the Phillies were losing and someone was "harrassing" me about it :D
I hate people like that :angel:

Yea, me too :wink: Good thing they are a golfer because that way I can forgive them being a Phillie's fan.
Carrots, hopefully it'll balance out the cupcake :wink:
Easily my favorite vegetable ever!

And frozen food, like ice cream, doesn't have calories, because calories are a unit of heat.
What are you snacking on?

Smores Goldfish

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What are you snacking on?

wait... what?
Best Thing ever. Graham, chocolate, and marshmallow goldfish. Awesome in milk!

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I had another banana split.
Tums (I hate heartburn...)
Sardines in spicy mustard on Ritz
finally finished off the fudge cookies
What are you snacking on?

Vanilla ice cream with Graham crackers

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stale pretzels
Tostitos with a hint of lime