What are you snacking on?

Easter candy....specifically Butterfinger eggs
boiled peanuts
Almond cookies :)
Dove chocolate and caramel bites
Roasted almonds
fruit rollup
Cinnamon Roll
P90x recovery drink.:sweat:
Oreo cookie blizzard
In a few minutes I'm making a banana split.
Blueberry Muffin
cool ranch Doritos with some melted cheese on top
cool ranch Doritos with some melted cheese on top

youre killin me... and i already went on my beer run... hmmm... i could take another trip to the market... mmm cheeeeese...

i just had a tuna fish sammich... dad hooked it up with celery and onions... outstanding

No, not a couple of Tiger's girlfriends!
A banana :)
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
tearing up some homemade chili with lots of jalapenos and hot sauce...it will probably be tearing me up later