1st 2 Spots - #THPMC - The Ultimate Golf Event Period

Here's my entry*

@djames2399: I need an X2Hot! @CallawayGolf @HackersParadise #THPMC https://vine.co/v/hFt0YddU5eY

*no children were permanently harmed in the making of this video
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Official entry. Man I had a blast making this!

Jesse? Have anything else to share with us?
There better be a man-scream in that Vine.
Holy crap.

Did you really paint that on your wall!?
JESSE. That was awesome. Holy crap.
Awesome. I love the comittment!

Can we get another Jesse's girl Vine next?
So good Jesse! Loved it!
Very cool Jesse!
Awesome JJ!!! This was my daily laugh out loud at my desk for today.

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Official entry. Man I had a blast making this!

That's awesome. Hope it stays up in the wall!!

iPhone 5 Tappin
Official entry. Man I had a blast making this!

Dude spectacular hahahahahahaha I nearly fell out of my chair
I suppose that I should get my vine up tonight. Working on ideas. Have a few now but need to make one work.

It's so hard with all the amazing entries so far, gonna be tough to just choose 2.
Official entry. Man I had a blast making this!

There is so much win in this.

By the way, if I haven't already mentioned it, you need to lock it up.
That is great JJ. I want to see that painted in fully! I am strangely curious about the drop down ceiling in your house...
official entry. Man i had a blast making this!

This. Is. Awesome!!!!!!
JJ that is awesome. Man, these videos are super creative.
JJ that was great. The logo on the wall is EPIC. How long did it take for you to do that?
Nice vine JJ, keep that logo on the wall and get the new baby interested in golf from day 1!
Official entry. Man I had a blast making this!

Awesome Jesse, well done!!!