How Often Do You Replace Your Golf Glove?


New member
Feb 2, 2011
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I just replaced my glove after about 10 rounds. I've recently been playing in humid/wet conditions over my past few rounds and felt it was about time to trash my current glove. It got me thinking. How often does everyone else replace their gloves and how often should you replace it??
For me its just whenever they go. But Im sure the Hirzl folks will come in and blab and say "30 rounds" or "never" LOL.
Once the finger tips get loose. Or after a very wet round or a few very hot and muggy rounds. Once the glove starts to feel loose, it's time to move on to the next.
I usually wear out a glove in the same spot , lower palm by the wrist, and I used to go through a glove every 4-5 rounds. About a 18 months ago I switch to the Bionic Glove and I have really noticed a difference. Gloves are now lasting me at least 6 or 7 times longer then the other gloves. The glove costs twice as much ($25 vs $12-15) but it is well worth it to me.
Hard to say as I keep several on the bag and switch out during the round as necessary. On average, I would guess 20 rounds per glove plus multiple range sessions.
Just whenever it's done. haha
I usually buy three at a time and during the summer months I'll have three or four going during a round to keep them as dry as possible. They'll usually last three months or so that way, but I'm not rough on gloves.
I still have gloves that I reviewed for THP last year! I don't have a very tight grip so gloves last me a good while. When my glove goes on at the begginning of the round it doesn't come off til the end so it's not due to lack of use. I used to only get a handful of rounds out of one til I learned to let loose of my death grip.
Really hot and humid here in South Texas! I usually wear them out after 5 or 6 rounds! Been meaning to try those Bionic gloves, but can never find them.
Depends on how often i get to play but usually it's about 3-4x a season. That's why I stock up in the winter sales.
I try to keep 2-3 gloves in rotation, right now using two Bridgestone e gloves and a Foot Joy glove.
For me its just whenever they go. But Im sure the Hirzl folks will come in and blab and say "30 rounds" or "never" LOL.

Well i don't know about 30...but then I havent gotten that many rounds in yet. LOL I used to go through about a glove a month depending on conditions.
My Hirzl that I am testing is awesome. I don't want to replace it, and I think it does not want to be replaced. I would wear the outer palm first and it's bye bye after 1/2 months
I'm currently using a FootJoy Spidr2 glove. It has lasted probably 30 rounds and numerous range sessions. It probably needs to be replaced but since there are no holes yet I will keep using it.
I replace it when it get's really hard and kind of stiff. Usually I get holes in it before then and one hole and I throw it out. Usually takes between 5-10 rounds.
For me its just whenever they go. But Im sure the Hirzl folks will come in and blab and say "30 rounds" or "never" LOL.

haha! I'm almost half way there, and I can honestly say my usual glove would have had a hole in it by now. The Hirzl is still going strong at about 10ish rounds with no signs of wear.

Typical glove: 10 rounds max. Hirzl: Still unknown.
Too often! haha
It seems between the hot muggy weather and my chord grips gloves just don't last on my hands unfortunately.
I would say I get about 5 rounds per glove
Every time there is too much wear such as a hole, and right now it's about every 3 weeks.
For me its just whenever they go. But Im sure the Hirzl folks will come in and blab and say "30 rounds" or "never" LOL.

+ 1 I hope it is more than the 30 rounds,lol
The thumb of my glove usually slides over, which is annoying.. Usually around that time, or when I start to rip on the inside of the thumb, I'll switch it up..

Gloves are generally an after thought for me haha.. Not too huge on them either way.
When I wear a hole in the palm/heel or index finger.
I'm with Drumdog... whenever I get a hole
I still haven't actually done that to a glove yet!
I don't switch until I get a hole in mine, normally in the area where the butt of the shaft sits in my palm. I'm using the same one as last year right now and I play everyday.
I bust out a new glove at new or special courses. Once in play I rotate through 3 to 4 gloves. Each one gets about 12 rounds, gets waged and donated to youth golf programs.

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