Morgan Cup 2.0 Bios

But with Yorkem and Cookie that negates the effect of having One-T

Hmm you are possibly correct. Plus CB is a handsome fellow
This man is a two time Vet and past Captain of the Morgan Cup. He will be playing Cleveland Golf at True Blue.


1. I first picked up a club at 7.

2. My Uncle Jack, who was a member of the PGA Tour at the time.

3. Yellowtail Sashimi

4. I have a fear of heights, yet love roller coasters. I haven't had a cigarette since Christmas and don't want another one...ever! I love being outdoors and have my entire life, yet skin cancer is a constant reality.
This man is a two time Vet and past Captain of the Morgan Cup. He will be playing Cleveland Golf at True Blue.


1. I first picked up a club at 7.

2. My Uncle Jack, who was a member of the PGA Tour at the time.

3. Yellowtail Sashimi

4. I have a fear of heights, yet love roller coasters. I haven't had a cigarette since Christmas and don't want another one...ever! I love being outdoors and have my entire life, yet skin cancer is a constant reality.

Congrats on not smoking Biggsy! That is awesome!
Good to hear Biggsy has quit smoking. I know he was talking about trying to quit when I last saw him in FL.

Freddie - Thanks for all the work you put in to these, not only on here but on Facebook as well.
[h=6]Golfer Gal

Every great event has great organization. The Morgan Cup is no different, it has all of the backing of THP. More importantly it has the backing and behind the scenes work of Morgan aka Golfer Gal.

She is working tirelessly behind the scenes to be sure the best product possible is brought to the table. She is working with the Callaway Golf,bridgestonegolf, Cleveland Golf, True Blue Golf Plantation, Caledonia Golf & Fish Club, Antigua, & ECCO Golf directly for all 24 sponsored golfers. This and the last event would not happen if Morgan didn't do her thing. Many thanks are owed to her for all she does.

I asked he the same questions the players were asked and this is what she provided.

How long you have been playing golf? -I have been playing golf on and off for the past 3 1/2 years. I am still as bad as the first time I picked up a club, but skill level has never mattered to me. I have never been an athlete so I was never good so for me golf is more about the atmosphere and the company and less about the actual game.

what other passions do you have - I love to read, I find reading to be such a wonderful way to escape from reality sometimes. I love the ocean, I love to shop and I love food (especially baking). My greatest passion is my family. My husband and my two dogs are my life.

Favorite food? - French Fries. I could eat french fries for breakfast, lunch or dinner. I want them right now just thinking about them.

and if you weren't running THP, what would you be doing? Hmm, that's a tough question because everything I do in life right now is for THP. I have a degree in Finance, and I am a total spreadsheet nerd so I would probably be doing something with finance but that sounds so boring compared to what I do now at THP.


Always cool to learn a little more about the brains behind THP! Thanks to Morgan for everything that she does for all of us.
Mmmm french fries. Very nice Morgan
Excel spreadsheet nerds FTW! Thanks again for doing these Freddie.
Mmmm french fries. Very nice Morgan

I was going to say the same thing...I love fries. And Morgan gets the prize for most prolific shipper I've ever heard of. :D
Best bio yet! Great to know the woman behind the scenes of the MC! Standing ovation!
Burger King french fries ftw!!!
now that's a great bio!
You should know how much I love french fries, I ate all of your when you were here for the Morgan Cup viewing party haha.

Ok, now this here could be a problem...My fries=my fries, your fries= more of my fries. :D

[h=6]The Morgan Cup will be played In July at True Blue Golf Plantationand Caledonia Golf & Fish Club. The coverage of that play will be done by a few volunteers. WarEagle is one of those that has been a huge supporter of the Morgan Cup and will be front and center this July. Let's see what he had to say:

1. How long have you been playing? Have golfed off and on throughout my life. When I was a little guy I would tag along with my Dad, Grandfather and Brother when they played, and started going to golf camps during the summer as I got older. Quit playing through highschool and picked it back up with some buddies up on a regular basis in College around 2001. Moved down to Florida in 2006 and thats when the Golf bug bit hard, so many courses to play and 12 months of great golf weather!

2. Favorite Food; Lasagna, but I am happy with any kind of Italian food.

3. My Grandfather got me in to the game, one of the best golfers I have ever played with, routinely shot better than his age. One goal of mine was to beat him in a round. He's 91 now, still dont think I can take him.

4. Something(s) about me? I went to Auburn, as if that wasnt obvious. I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world (for some reason she puts up with me?), and we have two awesome kids, Matt and Lily. Other than golf, my biggest hobby would be Cycling, and I am currently working my way up to do a Century Ride (100 miles). When signups for the Morgan Cup 2 were announced, I said I would be there no matter what, be it as a staffer or a volunteer. Looking forward to being at the MC 2.0, helping out, and supporting Bridgestone, Cleveland/Srixon, Callaway and THP!


Very nice! Really looking forward to meeting Ryan (War Eagle) and hanging out in May and July!!

Love me some lasagna also!
You should know how much I love french fries, I ate all of your when you were here for the Morgan Cup viewing party haha.

that is a true story haha
nice bio WE!
looking forward to have you on board for the MC2!

The Morgan Cup was played last year in Orlando Florida and I had a chance to assist with that event. Based on that experience when the 2.0 was announced I committed to the event one way or another. As the sponsors ( bridgestonegolf, Callaway Golf and Cleveland Golf) were announced the event started rolling along. Then the locations ( True Blue Golf Plantation and Caledonia Golf & Fish Club) were announced it through me into a fevered pitched.
Time has passed and I have to tell you that I more excited today then I was the first day and I am sure it will be even greater next month. Let's face it this is truly a unique and exciting event.

I have been playing golf since I was 12 but seriously since I was 17. It's been a labor of love ever since I picked up a club.

I don't have one favorite food, it's more like favorite foods. I love cheeseburgers and am a huge fan of BBQ with all the sides. I'm also a fan of sushi and steaks.

My dad is the one who got me started in the game and also feed my habit as I tried to find the clubs that were right for me. Playing a round with my dad is really the most relaxing time for me and I always look forward to it.

My one true passion in life is teaching golf. It was the most fullfilling gig I ever had. I made a choice to play for a living and that was the biggest mistake I ever made. That experience, the stress drove me away from the game for a solid 6 months and the better part of a year.
When my dad convinced me that golf could be fun again I dove back in and started playing again but I was well into my current career and life path. The crossroads between golf and the rest of my life was an easy time and I am glad I went the direction i did. I have a new found passion for the game, thanks to THP and a very balanced life away from the course with my wife and best friend. And God blessed me with two beautiful kids that keep my heat pumping each and everyday.
Great bio Freddie!! The forum is extremely lucky to have you involved and we all greatly appreciate what you are doing.
now there's the bio we've all been looking for!
great bio FK! will be great to have you at the MC2, running the show!
Freddie, I think you've been tremendous in doing this. I also think you've been tremendous in helping people out. No doubt that you love this game and I'm glad you found that passion for it again. The 1st MC was a success and you were a massive part of that one. You're a good dude and I'm glad that you'll be there for this one too.
Freddie, I think you've been tremendous in doing this. I also think you've been tremendous in helping people out. No doubt that you love this game and I'm glad you found that passion for it again. The 1st MC was a success and you were a massive part of that one. You're a good dude and I'm glad that you'll be there for this one too.

Could not have said it any better than that.
Great stuff, Freddie! Thanks again for all you have done for THP!

*starts slow clap...*

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