New years eve ???

Freezing my butt off playing in the morning. Then out with friends for a night of drinking and who knows what. I must be the youngling on here with everyone just staying in keeping it low key. I have done the past few years decided to do something different this year.
Just cuz you're the youngling doesn't mean you're the only one that can party. Hell I know a few THP'ers that party like rock stars man! I used to get wild and crazy on NYE but now the hangovers just kill me for multiple days....a few beverages will definitely be consumed but nothing that'll leave a mark!
Be careful this is amateur night. I'll be taking it easy as I have to work 6am - 5pm new years day.

Beast mode from tapatalk
Doing what??? bartending???
Doing what??? bartending???

No I got the weekend coverage at the data center the next two weekends. It's my normal job but not my normal hours.

Beast mode from tapatalk
Going to visit my mom with Erica and Hawk Jr. I'll probably drink a half case of Coors lite and go to sleep by 10pm.
Going to visit my mom with Erica and Hawk Jr. I'll probably drink a half case of Coors lite and go to sleep by 10pm.
You can't argue with that celebration right there. Go get it buddy, drinking the good stuff since it's a holiday huh? No Stones?
I try to mostly stay inside somewhere and off the roads on drunken fool days like this.
My mum made me watch sound of music as punishment!!

Little did she know she was laying down the ground work for a future karaoke champion:clapp:
Usually with friends at someone's house. Try to stay off the roads as much as possible as its amateur night for a lot of people

^^^^^^ I Tapped That.....On My iPad ^^^^^^
You can't argue with that celebration right there. Go get it buddy, drinking the good stuff since it's a holiday huh? No Stones?

Cleaning out my mom's fridge haha
With a six month old that doesn't like to sleep there is no sane reason to stay up until midnight. We'll be hitting the hay not long after he does, most likely. Though we'll probably be back awake around midnight so he can complain that his pacifier fell out or that he's hungry, etc.
Laying low in the shore house with my wife, baby and my parents. New Years morning I am doing my second annual Polar bear plunge in Brigantine, NJ
I think I just got an invite to a iug party down at the shore. That would be fun. I hope I can go.
a glass of scotch and bed before 12.
iug party????
Going into Boston for the night
I still think KellyBo and I are hitting the local Waffle House for New Year's Eve.
I still think KellyBo and I are hitting the local Waffle House for New Year's Eve.

Don't get too crazy there bucko! You got a golf game in the morning. So don't eat too many pecan waffles or you're gonna be sluggish.

We want you at your best when we take you down for the third time ;-)
Don't get too crazy there bucko! You got a golf game in the morning. So don't eat too many pecan waffles or you're gonna be sluggish.

We want you at your best when we take you down for the third time ;-)

Not again?!?!?!?!
We have an offer on the table for the kids to go to grandma and grandpa's for the night tomorrow, its very tempting to take them up on the offer and go out and get hammered like I'm at a THP outing with Yoccos, One-T and Spank but I think we're going to opt for a family friendly(ish) night at my sister in laws house. She just called and there is definitely a chance it could get crazy...always does with her involved.