Official Milestone Thread

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Thanks all.
Congrats RS!
Cognrats RS.
Congrats RS!
RS -- Welcome to the tall, dark, and strangely more attractive to women club. Let me know how it feels.
Only if there is sun available Dent. So you probably won't be getting darker for another month or tow!
Sorry, you're right Dent. You get taller, your voice grows deeper, and you become strangely more attractive to women. Just goes to show I'm not in the club yet.
Sorry, you're right Dent. You get taller, your voice grows deeper, and you become strangely more attractive to women. Just goes to show I'm not in the club yet.

I guess I'm a little, annoying, high-pitched, pip-squeek!
True, but not for much longer Flops. 37 more posts to nirvana.
True, but not for much longer Flops. 37 more posts to nirvana.

I'm going!!!!
I went from like 600 posts to 1500 in a pretty short time considering it took me like 4 months to reach 500.
Finally hit 1,500. Now I think I need just one more rep point to gain another rep power. haha
Thanks Dent. :D
Wow, your a nerd...hehe
Congrats GG!

LOL it is!

I got home just in time for that!
You may be a nerd, but your MY NERD.
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