One has to go - Thanksgiving edition

Too easy...Roll on out of here rolls.
Green bean casserole can kick rocks.
Green beans and Ham can go
See ya Mac and Cheese.
Stuffing. Turkey is a close second.
Mac and cheese. I eat that at least once a week, so can do without for Thanksgiving. The rest, is more Thanksgiving for me.
Explode Freak Out GIF by Instacart
Good by Mac
Too easy - I don't need no mac and cheese at Thanksgiving!
See ya green bean casserole
The rule when I was growing up was we had to eat rolls for the first portion. Once we got up for seconds we could switch to tortillas. I would make a small plate then get up and heat up tortillas for thanksgiving tacos. lol That was back when there were like 20 people there to eat.
A thanksgiving taco sounds incredible
It's for sure Turkey.

My family started doing a prime rib about 5 years ago. There are 20-30 of of us every year.

First year it was gone so we did 2 3 bone prime ribs the next year and 2 big turkeys. That year both were gone and we had an entire turkey left. 3rd year we did two 4 bone prime ribs. and all of it was gone and we had a big turkey left.

This year we are only doing 1 turkey and 3 prime ribs. I think we are about 2 or 3 years away from no turkey.

TLDR; #BigTurkey is a fraud.
For Thanksgiving. Ham for sure! Who eats ham at Thanksgiving?
For Thanksgiving. Ham for sure! Who eats ham at Thanksgiving?
I think this is totally regional. Ham is a staple for my family.
My family has never cooked Mac n cheese for thanksgiving so that’s an easy choice.
Green bean casserole can die.