Pace of Play Course Solutions?

Its a different world in some areas. No courses around here that I know of would let a "league" of 3 foursomes dictate tee sheets, interval times or anything else. Whether its right or wrong, courses in our area are too full for that. Its a tourism thing and a lifestyle thing in certain areas.
Ok I believe it. But I'm getting the idea that your courses turn 12 man groups away for what? A hopeful walkon? Our courses are plenty busy but when steady money shows up he gets to play too.
Ok I believe it. But I'm getting the idea that your courses turn 12 man groups away for what? A hopeful walkon? Our courses are plenty busy but when steady money shows up he gets to play too.

Nobody said courses were turning down play. What I said was that geography dictates how much pull 3 foursomes will have with the rules as the course sets it up. In my area they will have very little to none.
Ok I believe it. But I'm getting the idea that your courses turn 12 man groups away for what? A hopeful walkon? Our courses are plenty busy but when steady money shows up he gets to play too.

They don't turn away 12 man "leagues", and I don't believe JB or I ever said that, but they're certainly not going to dictate anything at the course. If those three foursomes book their tee times in advance than they're fine, but the GM is certainly not going to cater to them differently than any other single, twosome, threesome, or foursome that plays the course. Obviously geography plays a role, because in one of your earlier posts you mention a 20 man group showing up on a Saturday with no tee time and getting out on the course. There's no way that would happen around here, because we have no problem filling times.
in one of your earlier posts you mention a 20 man group showing up on a Saturday with no tee time and getting out on the course. There's no way that would happen around here, because we have no problem filling times.

That would never ever ever happen down here at the courses we have been involved with. Man I wish it were that slow, it would lead to faster play obviously...hehe
Can I assume this is all walking?

ya 90% of golf in ireland is walking. mostly down to the weather alot of rain and heavy carts is never a good thing. even my local course will only let you use a carry bag if the ground is really soft
Does the pace pick up after the 1st hole? If not, there's a reason - some group or groups in front are playing SLOW!

Just like when I'm stuck in slow moving traffic, barring an accident ahead and the requisite rubber-necking, I can almost guarantee someone in the "fast" lane zipping witlessly along under the speed limit with open road in front of them, and a train of cars behind them!

Most slow play courses would benefit from rangers who do their jobs, and course management who back them up. JMHO
To answer the OP's question, a ranger is crucial. They pay for themselves in return visits from happy golfers and more $ as a result of pace of play.

The ultimate tool in pace of play is GPS. It makes yardages faster to get but more than that it allows your pace vs the course pace to be shown the entire round as a marker. Add that on many units the Pro Shop can send messages regarding pace of play and it is truly a homerun. Even better than a starter because it is more empirical and removes the possible tension caused by the human element when having dialogue between a starter and foursome.

Outside of those 2 suggestions, I don't have much that wasn't previously mentioned.
in one of your earlier posts you mention a 20 man group showing up on a Saturday with no tee time and getting out on the course. There's no way that would happen around here, because we have no problem filling times.

That would never ever ever happen down here at the courses we have been involved with. Man I wish it were that slow, it would lead to faster play obviously...hehe
Well in that case all it meant was that me and quite a few other walkons just didn't get to play that day. We have to wait till they call us and then we pay. I needed the chipping practice more anyway, so they did me a favor.
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