Random pairing conversations


Lord Tox
Albatross 2024 Club
Staff member
May 20, 2011
Reaction score
Played 9 holes the other day mostly by myself until the 8th hole when it became so slow that the other single behind me asked if he could join. Of course I obliged but in that lets say 30 mins we had a few chats but as we were walking off the 9th green the question was asked....what do you usually shoot for 18? Out of curiosity why is that a question randos always ask? Is that something you ask someone you perceive to be a better player than you? Nothing wrong with it all all, just found it interesting
Played 9 holes the other day mostly by myself until the 8th hole when it became so slow that the other single behind me asked if he could join. Of course I obliged but in that lets say 30 mins we had a few chats but as we were walking off the 9th green the question was asked....what do you usually shoot for 18? Out of curiosity why is that a question randos always ask? Is that something you ask someone you perceive to be a better player than you? Nothing wrong with it all all, just found it interesting
You shouldn’t have birdied the 9th.

Not a question I ever ask, but others do quite often.
Last solo round I played, it got backed up on the 12th-ish hole and I finished out the 18 with another solo guy. He hit the ball a mile, but there was no consistent direction to it. He was quite keen on knowing what my handicap was and was heavily in to letting me know he want from a 15 to a 5 in three months playing sim golf.

I was impressed with that stat, not so much on his game. I told him I currently hover around a 10, and then he started in on the giving me pops for a hole here or there (had no clue we were competing). I threw an absolute dart on 18 for a tap in birdie, he then told me I was sandbagging the whole time (again, no clue we were playing a mid round competition).
I've never asked and I don't understand why folks ask. It seems like such an irrelevant question.
I don’t normally ask it but I perceive it two ways based upon my first impressions. They’re trying to size you up for lord knows what reason or they’re just trying to make friendly conversation.

Similar to “what do you do for a living” when you meet someone new in a social setting
Maybe just a conversation starter? Where you from? What's in your bag? What do you usually shoot?
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I've never asked and I don't understand why folks ask. It seems like such an irrelevant question.
I told him I usually shoot -5 but was having a bad day...you should have seen his face haha
I have had people ask what my handicap is but later in the round. I can tell about where they shoot after a couple of holes. I usually end up with people that tell me they suck on the first tee so there is that. :ROFLMAO:
Played 9 holes the other day mostly by myself until the 8th hole when it became so slow that the other single behind me asked if he could join. Of course I obliged but in that lets say 30 mins we had a few chats but as we were walking off the 9th green the question was asked....what do you usually shoot for 18? Out of curiosity why is that a question randos always ask? Is that something you ask someone you perceive to be a better player than you? Nothing wrong with it all all, just found it interesting
Maybe you just impressed him and he wanted to try and equate what he saw with handicap? Have no clue though as I've never once asked that nor have I been asked that question, and I've played with a lot of randos.
Last solo round I played, it got backed up on the 12th-ish hole and I finished out the 18 with another solo guy. He hit the ball a mile, but there was no consistent direction to it. He was quite keen on knowing what my handicap was and was heavily in to letting me know he want from a 15 to a 5 in three months playing sim golf.

I was impressed with that stat, not so much on his game. I told him I currently hover around a 10, and then he started in on the giving me pops for a hole here or there (had no clue we were competing). I threw an absolute dart on 18 for a tap in birdie, he then told me I was sandbagging the whole time (again, no clue we were playing a mid round competition).
Did he also ask you to settle up for the competition you didn’t know you were in?
I've also been asked by a complete rando if I wanted to play for $10/hole before we tee'd off. Who does that? LOL
Last solo round I played, it got backed up on the 12th-ish hole and I finished out the 18 with another solo guy. He hit the ball a mile, but there was no consistent direction to it. He was quite keen on knowing what my handicap was and was heavily in to letting me know he want from a 15 to a 5 in three months playing sim golf.

I was impressed with that stat, not so much on his game. I told him I currently hover around a 10, and then he started in on the giving me pops for a hole here or there (had no clue we were competing). I threw an absolute dart on 18 for a tap in birdie, he then told me I was sandbagging the whole time (again, no clue we were playing a mid round competition).
That is too funny. You're just casually going about your round and he's in an intense match play!
Did he also ask you to settle up for the competition you didn’t know you were in?
Lol, no. I didnt keep track of his strokes, but he put three in the water on a Par 3 before hitting the green. I think I won the unknown competition. :ROFLMAO:
I usually say I identify as a woman , so I will play the front tees. Then I am able to determine if they will be able to put up with my levels of smart-assery.
I don't think I've ever asked someone that question as a random person that I don't know, certainly asked it in a charity/scramble event before!!!
I've also been asked by a complete rando if I wanted to play for $10/hole before we tee'd off. Who does that? LOL
Should've replied, $100 a hole and then smoke the tee shot.
Maybe just a conversation starter? Where you from? What's in your bag? What do you usually shoot?

Exactly i always take it as nothing more than this.....It's a lot easier than asking like "so what do you and your wife typically do in the bedroom" ...although to be fair if someone asked that i'd be kind of impressed too.

I typically get a lot of questions about my golf game when paired up at public courses. I never think much of it....it comes with the territory of being a "better player"
I don’t think I’ve ever been asked directly. I think there are folks out there that have a narrow experience past playing partners and are genuinely curious. I also think lots of people are scared of being embarrassed so they want to know how good you are.
I don't believe I have ever been asked this question directly. I do enjoy random pairings, but mostly talk about things outside of a persons golf game.
We are also talking about the Lord Tox here- I'm assuming he was in awe... :ROFLMAO:
He was absolutely in awe that’s why he asked.
Played 9 holes the other day mostly by myself until the 8th hole when it became so slow that the other single behind me asked if he could join. Of course I obliged but in that lets say 30 mins we had a few chats but as we were walking off the 9th green the question was asked....what do you usually shoot for 18? Out of curiosity why is that a question randos always ask? Is that something you ask someone you perceive to be a better player than you? Nothing wrong with it all all, just found it interesting
My guess is that your game was good enough that he was wondering, for point of reference, like “oh that is what a scratch golfer plays like.”

I would guess it is more likely for someone to ask a good player that question rather than some dude that lost a dozen balls in those 9 holes.
How often do you get to play with the head of a dynasty and Cobra Staffer..
Not often, it’s rarefied air.