The Official Rant of the Day

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I thought it would be nice to fill up Erin's car with gas when I took it back home over lunch... Was going to grab the windshield washer, but I slipped and tried to catch myself and grabbed the bucket of windshield washer stuff and it spilled all over me.. Basically covered the left side of my body in it (in good work clothes) and it was COLD!!

That was my last fault for this 24 hr period, I hope!
Dude, what the hell did you do that you are paying for it now? Geeeeze. Just don't walk under a ladder and look into getting into a bubble for the next 24 hours.
Life should be good now. pretty sure I am done for awhile :thumb:
I am officially fed-up with Christmas shopping. I need one item each for my father, brother, and wife.... all three people who every year do not give me a list of what they would like. I may just forget it, give them a nice card, and say if you want a gift, that I require a list.

Amphibians can Tapatalk... Fear the Frog!
Life should be good now. pretty sure I am done for awhile :thumb:

It's been rough, but you have the watch, your phone works, you can change clothes and your badass car is fine. Life is still good
Cancer sucks. Lost a friend today to it. He lived a pretty long life, but it's still terrible. He was the owner and skipper of the boat I sail on during the summer. Appropriately, his ashes are going to be spread on the waters of Lake Michigan.
Pessimism and negative want to be infinitely miserable, it by yer ding dang self, doo doo face.
I just looked up the weather in Minneapolis.
Holy Schnikes. Its 70 here right now. That is scary.
I just looked up the weather in Minneapolis.
Holy Schnikes. Its 70 here right now. That is scary.

Yeah, I remember those kind of temps when I was a kid there...have to say I don't miss that.
I just looked up the weather in Minneapolis.
Holy Schnikes. Its 70 here right now. That is scary.

Looked at Dallas? Part of that stupid winter storm. Sleeting now....icing overnight.

Remember the Super Bowl?

Crap shouldn't happen in Texas....we are too good for that.
I just looked up the weather in Minneapolis.
Holy Schnikes. Its 70 here right now. That is scary.

But it's a dry cold. :alien:
This just made me spit my diet coke out.
Or as you guys call it pop.

You betcha. I think you and Morgan should watch "New In Town" with Renee Zellweger. When I see the airport scene I imagine Morgan exiting the MSP airport.
This just made me spit my diet coke out.
Or as you guys call it pop.

That'd freeze pretty fast up there today.
Mall of America have good heat? Do they sell ear muffs?
Found it:

Mall of America have good heat? Do they sell ear muffs?

Both. Plus there is a rollercoaster. Pretty cool huh.
Mall of America have good heat? Do they sell ear muffs?

Mall of America is very comfortable in the winter. You can make it all the way there from the airport on the light rail too. Don't have to spend too​ much time outside.
That is hysterical. I remember when I lived in the midwest the first day of winter killed me.
That is hysterical. I remember when I lived in the midwest the first day of winter killed me.

You lived in the midwest? I figured with the way you talk about Florida that you were born and raised there. Learn something new every day.
You lived in the midwest? I figured with the way you talk about Florida that you were born and raised there. Learn something new every day.

Lived in a lot of places. Wouldnt be able to give an assessment of other places had I not been there.
I thought it would be nice to fill up Erin's car with gas when I took it back home over lunch... Was going to grab the windshield washer, but I slipped and tried to catch myself and grabbed the bucket of windshield washer stuff and it spilled all over me.. Basically covered the left side of my body in it (in good work clothes) and it was COLD!!

That was my last fault for this 24 hr period, I hope!

Go home. Stay home. Do not leave home.
While unloading pellets into my basement I hear this god awful noise coming from my chicken coop so I take off running and an mother effing Hawk flies out of the coop. I lock the coop down and proceed to chase chickens to catch them an put them back in the coop. I got all but two which I can't find now. I know they are around just can't find the little sh\¥s.

I have lost 3 birds to this effing thing and can't shoot it cause its f'ing protected by federal predatory bird laws. I'm so mad right now.

Got my last two caught and put back into the coop.

Now onto making a new water container for them since the pulled one of the nipples out of the one they have and I can't find it.

Stupid stupid pets!
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