Wedding Bands on when playing?

Keep mine on. Lost my first one on my 6 month anniversary. Put it in my golf bag for the round and didn't know I had a hole in the pocket.
Glad my wife isn't on THP, or I'd be in trouble! I don't wear mine at all, which drives her insane. It has nothing to do with not wanting to wear my wedding ring, but just that I can't stand having anything like that on my hand. Too many work and recreational situations where you have to take it off, then run the risk of losing it. I'm getting a wedding ring tattoo to solve the issue once and for all.
I always wear mine. I don't even feel it nowdays. Has never bothered me while golfing as I always wear a glove on that hand any way.
I honestly don't even notice it. I'd lose the thing, without fail, if I took it off to golf or any other activity for that matter. I've always had a large callous under that finger if I golf regularly.
i don't wear mine at the course or on the range. although one time i went to the driving range, forgot to take it off and didn't notice it till after.
I haven't taken mine off since sept 28th , 1996 . even if I wanted to I couldn't take it off, it would have to be cut off. honestly I never even know its there
I take mine off, although i didn't always. Gold wedding band = soft metal = oblong wedding ring. Had to get it re-shaped.
I take mine off, although i didn't always. Gold wedding band = soft metal = oblong wedding ring. Had to get it re-shaped.
I have a comfort fit ring..seriously I couldn't even imagine how many corona bottles this ring has opened in the past 17 years and it still is in perfect shape
I have never taken mine off as I always wear a glove on that hand and I don't even notice that it is there.
My ring pinches and creates a large callus for me when golfing, so it goes on the key ring when I get to the course and back on the finger shortly after my last putt is holed.