What Would You Name Utah’s Hockey Team?

Since this is the 3rd city to now have this franchise - Utah Movers.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they start out as Utah HC.

Alternate answer - Utah Sting.
I think Hive or Yetis could be fun
I'm abandoning the Flyers if that is the case.
Can you imagine what the jerseys would look like? Bada**
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The "Stormin' Mormons".
I just googled the association of Bees and Utah. I didn't realize the connection and I actually like it. I was previously on the fence on the Buzz or something bee adjacent thinking it was dumb.

Utah Yetis is still tops to me though.
I think i like the Yeti name best so far. I could get behind Buzz or something Bee related too.
The Utah Yutes just so that I can think of this scene everytime I hear it.
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Do we know if they will be referred to as Utah or Salt Lake yet?
Had absolutely zero idea that Utah got a new flag lol....but this thing is incredible.


Utah Swarm or something would be pretty cool, but it looks like that is some youth baseball team haha. I like that color scheme too, it just ends up looking not much different than the Avalanche.
Bam!! Caps get the 1st goal. I like the pace so far
Utah Salt Shakers.
That didn't take long for the Rangers to tie it :banghead:
Don’t have any team name ideas. But if the mascots name isn’t “Salty” they are missing an opportunity to have some amazing mascot shenanigans.
Anything but copying the lame soccer model of "Utah H.C." come up with a real nickname.

Utah Buzz is cool! Utah Yetis?