Windows 10 anyone?

Well there's the problem. Too much RAM! Everybody knows 640kb ought to be enough for anybody :wink:

Probably just a bug in the kernel, libs or drivers. Probably get fixed in the next round of patches.
I always joke with him because my Macbook never has any issues. I like it so much that I gave my mobile workstation laptop to my new engineer - it's got a Quad Core i7, 1 TB SSD, 32 GB Ram, 512mb video card and all the bells and whistles one can get in a laptop. I hated it because the monitor sucked - 1920x1080. I don't understand why Dell insists in putting such a crappy display in a $2,500 laptop. At least go 1920x1200.
I always joke with him because my Macbook never has any issues. I like it so much that I gave my mobile workstation laptop to my new engineer - it's got a Quad Core i7, 1 TB SSD, 32 GB Ram, 512mb video card and all the bells and whistles one can get in a laptop. I hated it because the monitor sucked - 1920x1080. I don't understand why Dell insists in putting such a crappy display in a $2,500 laptop. At least go 1920x1200.

That's nuts because I remember when 640x480 VGA was considered high tech. I remember a family friend working at the local public access cable station and seeing him use his Newtek Video Toaster with his Amiga and being absolutely floored.
Just downloaded the enterprise ISO from MSDN so hopefully I'll get some time this week to throw it on the laptop. Been very happy with 8.1 though (booting right to desktop).
I got this today in a tech email I subscribe to. Something to consider before and after you upgrade to Windows 10.

CyberHeist News-

Major Operating System upgrades usually cause confusion among end-users and the current Windows 10 upgrade is no exception. The bad guys exploit these confusions in several ways, mostly through massive phishing campaigns and with criminal call-center operations which claim to be Microsoft tech support.

Some campaigns will try to worry the user that their PC has changed somehow, causing access issues. Other phishing emails will try to lure the user with links where they can get their new no-charge version of Windows 10, or have it "attached" in a zipped file, which makes it our Scam Of The Week, because the attachment is the CBT-Locker ransomware.

Unfortunately there are no limits to criminal inventiveness. So, I suggest you send something like the following to your end-users and/or friends and family. Copy/paste/edit as needed, per your own policies related to OS upgrades:

"Microsoft is in the process of releasing their new Windows 10 Operating System. This is an upgrade that you do not pay for, promises to fix problems with earlier versions, and claims to be more secure. They plan to upgrade a billion personal computers, causing inevitable confusion among PC users.

"Bad guys are trying to exploit this confusion. You might get calls from scammers that claim to be Microsoft tech support and try to charge you for the upgrade using your credit card.

"Be very careful with any email claiming to be from Microsoft about "your Windows 10 Upgrade". Make sure that any links in the email really go to Microsoft. Better yet, do not click on any link or open any attachment, but go to the Microsoft website for more information." Here is the link:

Regarding Win10 itself, I would hold off upgrading your users wholesale until a LOT of field testing has been done. I am running it on a machine at the house and there are good reasons not to rush into the upgrade, because of some new features like the "Windows Update Delivery Optimization (WUDO) which works like torrents do, and makes your Win10 machine part of a peer-to-peer network delivering Win10 to other users using your bandwidth, and the new "Wi-Fi Sense" which makes Wi-Fi more available and accessible - for better or for worse.

In theory, someone who wanted access to your company network could befriend an employee or two, and drive into your office parking lot to be in range, and then gain access to your wireless network. See Brian Krebs' post about it:

Also, apart from being a "security upgrade", Win10 also grabs all information it can get its hands on, this version is incredibly intrusive by default. Just open Settings and click on Privacy. There, you’ll find 13 different screens — yes, 13 — to go through, and you’ll want to disable anything that seems worrying, you should definitely adjust what types of data each app on that box can access.

I was interviewed by InfoWorld yesterday about how this type of cybercrime has been and will be developing. Read the interview here:
I'm not a windows user, but the wife is. Yesterday, she handed me her laptop with the orders to fix. My 6 year old had fired up Netflix only for no sound after upgrading. Managed to find an online fix fortunately.
I'm really enjoying Windows 10 on my new XPS 13.

I was actually going to send the laptop back--it was too quirky to replace my Macbook Air as a personal carry-everywhere device. Glad I gave Win10 a chance--Microsoft really took some pages out of Apple's book for making a better *personal* device.

It works with my iCloud calendars out of the box, it works with GMail out of the box, and the Groove music app is a good enough replacement for iTunes with the monthly "listen to everything" subscription. Bonus points that it's a Retina screen and runs Visual Studio and RDC properly so I can get work done on it too. I decided to keep the XPS 13 and ditch the Macbook Air now.
I pray this doesn't have a Mac feel to it. Waiting on upgrading still but if it has a Mac feel to it, I'll hate it. My Mac Mini is the most expensive paper weight I have
I'm not sure I trust MS anymore. Especially their updates. I've had my surface 2 (not the pro) for a year and a half and loved it, very much. However recently the touchscreen just stopped working. Apparently after an auto update. I looked into it on-line and found many others with the same problem. Touchscreen quit after auto-update. Several other updates since have done nothing to fix the issue. Microsoft neither acknowledges the problem nor offers any real solution. Since doing a factory re-set didn't work, the problem does not fall on their "customer service" flow-chart script...the best they can offer is a replacement for $300. Which is ridiculous as it was their update that turned my $500 device into a paperweight. Anybody else heard of anything like this.

It sucks because I really, really liked my surface 2 and MS in general. But this is stupid.
I upgraded to v10 from v7 on my laptop and I'm glad I did.

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I have an older HP Laptop running Windows 7 and I am really looking forward to this upgrade. Just need to find the time to make it happen
I gave into the upgrade, my computer was having major problems.. partly because it is a custom build from 2007 but that is a different story. I am at 29% downloaded so I guess this is it. I hope this solves my problems I have been having. I will post up my thoughts tomorrow after I run this through the paces.
I pray this doesn't have a Mac feel to it. Waiting on upgrading still but if it has a Mac feel to it, I'll hate it. My Mac Mini is the most expensive paper weight I have

Bootcamp! Mac hardware runs Windows better than most Windows OEM. I swear to god. Most stable Windows computers at work are all running on iMacs.

I upgraded to v10 from v7 on my laptop and I'm glad I did.

My preliminary testing so far agrees with this, although I'm already seeing stuff that will be fixed in SP1. LOL.
Bye Windows 7, hoping for the best of XP and 7 combined.
. It's top late now...

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Time to test 10 out. Super fast download and install. 20 minutes or less

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For those that have upgraded, did it save your account/site passwords, favorite links etc.?
For those that have upgraded, did it save your account/site passwords, favorite links etc.?

Saved favorites but I had to log in again and save passwords.
For those that have upgraded, did it save your account/site passwords, favorite links etc.?
my favorites were all saved up, passwords were all cleaned but I made that an option in settings not to save them.
I don't generally rush into upgrades but this one seems to be going pretty smooth from accounts here and other places. Plus it's free so, I guess I will jump in since I hope this laptop lasts another year or two.
My preliminary testing so far agrees with this, although I'm already seeing stuff that will be fixed in SP1. LOL.

No more service packs. Just an FYI
Eh, in retrospect, weak joke. I'll do better next time!

It's a great joke actually if we could pass tone through text. Everyone that knows Microsoft knows to wait for SP1 or x.1 like with Windows 8.
I pray this doesn't have a Mac feel to it. Waiting on upgrading still but if it has a Mac feel to it, I'll hate it. My Mac Mini is the most expensive paper weight I have
It doesn't at all. It's like Microsoft took a mulligan on Windows 8 and did better.
I had a chance to look it over,my overall PC speed is faster on every level. Smooth ,very smooth actually. Easy to find my way around and nothing was lost. It somehow turned off my anti virus but that is an easy fix. I need to format my PC as the hard drive is cluttered with old junk,but 10 will be my OS of choice for sure

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