Problem with dipping


Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
Teesside, United Kingdom
Hi there, I have had a problem with dipping on my downswing for a long time now and I am trying to get rid of it! It causes me to get slightly trapped and either hit a draw or a little push.
Heres a video of my swing:
If you have any tips or drills that might help me keep my height in the downswing, they would be much appreciated!
I also wanted to throw my swing on this thread as I have the exact same issue. The swing below I worked on my head not dipping and feel like it had to stay up.

My result more or less is a cut with the driver and irons are more playable.
It gives the appearance of a dip, but the issue is a loss of posture on the way to the top. Your shoulders get very level at the top of the back swing, which means you loose your spine angle, and to get it back you feel like you dive or drive down to get back to the ball. To maintain your spine angle try this drill for feel. Get into your posture with a club across your shoulders. As you turn to the top notice where your club is pointing. It should be pointing to the target line. Work on this feel for a while. The sensation I am looking for is more of driving your left shoulder to your right knee in the back swing. The key here is to do this early in the back swing. Feeling this happen early, in the initial move off of the ball. If you can get this feel you will feel the dip leave your swing.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question amollerud ! :D

I understand what your saying now after watching my videos back again. I'm going to try that drill out when I get home from work! I never realised it wasnt me dipping but it was really me compensating for the change in angle on the way back. I look forward to feeling the difference between my drive downwards and the driving my left shoulder to my right knee.