What are you watching? (No Spoilers)

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TK's got good taste, I love House, and so does my whole family! We've got every season on DVD

But I just flipped to NHL, Philly versus Detroit. I'm rooting for Philly. Up 1-0 at the beginning of the 2nd.

How did that game end? I hope Detroit lost.
American Idol. It's music of the Grand Ole Opry week (kinda early for country, they usually wait til the top 6 or 7). Then maybe The Mentalist after Idol is over.

Have fun kids, play nice!

How is Grand Ole Opry different than country?
How is Grand Ole Opry different than country?

It's not. That's what the theme was. Of course it's country. It's odd that they chose to do country so early in the season with so many people left.

Unless you happen to be named Adam and are singing "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash (the song starts at about the 1:40 mark):

It's not. That's what the theme was. Of course it's country. It's odd that they chose to do country so early in the season with so many people left.

Unless you happen to be named Adam and are singing "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash (the song starts at about the 1:40 mark):


Wow I tried to listen to his version, it was turrible.
That was horrible! I got only about 20 seconds into the song part.

Definitely had a Drag Queen feel to it. With the heavy breathing/gasping and writhing and all.
That was horrible! I got only about 20 seconds into the song part.

Definitely had a Drag Queen feel to it. With the heavy breathing/gasping and all.

Exactly, I don't think I made it 20 seconds though:act-up:
I felt the same. He's actually one of the favorites to win.
Boo Girl is watching the original Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It's horrible.
Boo Girl is watching the original Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It's horrible.

Really? I think Gene Wilder is creepy and psychotic and fantastic in that film. I'm convinced it's a drug movie.
Idol kickoff show. Back after.
I'll post it if no one else is gonna.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/VRxNuBuke6w&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VRxNuBuke6w&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Oh man, I havent had a TV in my new office going on 3 weeks now. I miss Mark,Erin, Dillion, Larry, Trish and Maria. I feel like there is a giant hole in my life and I have o contact with whats going on in the outside world.
Is that show on every night?

The contest is on Tuesdays. The kickoff show is on Wednesday.

I blame my wife. I never watched the show until she showed up!
T.I.'s Road to Redemption
The contest is on Tuesdays. The kickoff show is on Wednesday.

I'll refrain from asking what the difference is. (The only reality shows I've seen are BB and H18.)

Two days a week, eh? That's cool if it's a show you like.
A blank MS Word Doc, hoping that any second now words will start flowing onto it.

Still watching.
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