Mizuno Custom Fitting Question


Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
I recently experienced the Mizuno Swing Analyzer at a local fitting day and came away with the following info about my swing with a Mizuno MX-200 6 iron:

Swing speed: 75
Swing tempo: 3
Toe down: 4
Release factor: 5
Kick angle: 6

It recommended :

Exsar IS Graphite Regular Shafts
Nippon 950 Steel Regular Shafts

...The fitter mentioned I have a very smooth tempo swing. I am leaning towards the steel only in that I have heard they have tighter dispersion and i am mainly after accuracy since i am not a long hitter. I normally hit a 5iron 150yards, have a 3deg flat lie and am 5'7" 120lbs. Does the Nippon 950 sound like the best choice and if so how would it compare to say a True Temper GS95 or an older Dynalite Gold SL? I was looking at those three mainly.

They aer both good shafts, but I have to say , the analyzer is pretty good. If it picks a certain shaft based on your swing and tempo, I would not second guess it. Jump in head first and enjoy them.
Previously, I spent many an hour getting blisters getting fitted for iron shafts at manufacturers locations around Carlsbad. The Mizuno analyzer nailed my normal shafts in 3 swings. I completely trust it.

Usually, for steel, my fitter has 3 steel shafts recommended. Did they give you the Nippon 950 as the only choice, or the top choice? It is a great shaft for smooth swingers.
There was another shaft but i forget what it was. He immediately had me try the Nippon though. It did feel pretty good. My current MX200's have the TT Dynalite Gold SL's in them and thats why i was wondering if those would be the same as the Nippons IF they had been one of the options on the Mizuno analyzer (they are no longer available). I would hate to get the new shafts only to find my current ones are pretty identical you know?
Understand completely. That's the unfortunate thing when manufacturers don't use the entire stable of shafts available from a manufacturer. They do have to draw the line someplace, otherwise it would be hard to stock all shafts made by all manufacturers.