TaylorMade Marathon Metalwood Giveaway

Thanks for the info. I am in!

Man, any of these would look mighty good in the bag with my R11.
just entered! Would love a new fairway haha.
Wow, TM gives away a lot of stuff. I think it's great!
Thanks. Could use a new Rescue.
Make sure to "like" their facebook page and use the email address your account is linked to so you'll qualify.

crap, the email i used is different than my facebook one. i say again, crap. that's what i get for not doing due dilligence
Thanks that would be nice
Nice giveaway, but again TM thumbs it's nose at the rest of the world. Have to be US resident to qualify.
crap, the email i used is different than my facebook one. i say again, crap. that's what i get for not doing due dilligence

I really don't know if it is a requirement, I only assumed that because it would be their easy way to check if an individual drawn "likes" their page
Fabulous!!! I'm in!!! Would LOVE to have my first TaylorMade -- I hit my husband's when I can even though it's too long and a little too stiff for me --- I love how I hit their clubs. (p.s. get your mind out of the gutter:act-up:)
And I'm in! Thanks for link!
Thanks .Im in
Im In!

Thanks for the heads up!
Final List of Winners:

R11 Driver — Roberto Martiniere, Erik Aanrud, Jake Wieseneck, Roger Grootenboer, Michael Therriault, Todd Williams, Tony Fisher, Jeff Davis, Moon Kim, Socrates Gonis, Jennifer Woosley

R11 Fairway — Ralph Neill, Michael Llanos, Wesley McDowell, Randy Romich, Gerald Groth, Joe Agnello, Logan Taylor, Paul Wilner, Kerri Renner, Stephen Darby, Nic Dooley

Rescue 11 — Todd Burleigh, Stephen Salisbury, Kevin Irvin, Jason Carson, Craig Hritz, Chad Gill, Al Nettler, Keith Ziliak, Alex Hoyos, Ryan Knudsvig, Michael Waddell

Burner SuperFast 2.0 drivers — Jamie Woods, Mark Wrobel, Casey Pelkey, Tina Schmeink, Neil Shaw, Justin Randall, Wesley Stafford, Drazen Feric, Bill Hassinger, Mike Paulson, Bobby Oldham, Michael Gastol, Jonathan White, Richard Wethington, Richard Devine, Jim Maliszewski, Jim Pilkington, Roger Piper, Robert Smith, Lee Dominczak

Burner SuperFast 2.0 fairways — Greg Wittcoff, Peter Hill, Justus Becks, William Parsons, Robert Collins, Michael Bennett, Joseph Weaver, Joe Kramer, Dan Powers, Christopher Station, Jack Gabbard, Michael Russell, Tom Gorsuch, Ryan Gill, Alex Hyun, Todd Zimmerman, Ryan Whittekund, Matthew Stevens, Steven Peterson, Patrick McCue

Any THPer's in there???
Figures my name isn't in there.
Not this THP'er.
Negatory on this old dawg.