NEWS 2024 GOAT Cup Trophies

That pops
Those are incredible!
That's some bling, looks awesome.
Such a great prize for the winning team.
So freaking cool
season 4 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Does Team Tudor need to bring gold or silver so the ring looks good on the rope? :LOL:

Ryan Reynolds Dude GIF by 20th Century Studios
So fun and different! 🔥
These look awesome! Mine still sits right next to my desk and I see it daily.

Love that, think I’ll do the same with mine once Team Tudor pulls off the upset

These look too good to not be on display!
Such a fun trophy.
Love these 😍
LETS GOOO those are sweeeet
Such a cool thing to win.
Those look great!
Those are super cool!
that ring is so sick
The rings continue to look amazing! Wonder who we'll see walk away with them...