ANNOUNCEMENT Congrats: You Just Got Tapped for a THP Experience

People find THP and use THP for a myriad of reasons. Could be just a passing by, could be because of the amazing people in this community, could be for contests, THP Experiences, to talk equipment or anything else.

Recently we had a new member join and let's just say he isn't exactly local to any of our events held, but has been a part of our live update threads on every one of them. He shared his view in each, asked questions and shown support.

He is also losing his golf season in his home country and we don't think that should happen. So @Inioch if there is even a chance you can make it, Welcome to the 2023 Morgan Cup. If you cannot make this year, due to deployment, we understand and will figure out 2024, but if you can, welcome to being a tour player for Cobra Puma Golf.

For those following, if you do not know what the Morgan Cup is, here is the thread for the 2023 Experience.

Congrats and we look forward to meeting you on this side of the pond hopefully in 2023, but if not, in the future.
Congrats @Inioch !!!! Enjoy the Morgan Cup and I hope you get to attend
CONGRATS @Inioch !! This is so cool!!!
Congratulations @Inioch

Congrats @Inioch! This is an awesome shoulder tap announcement to wake up to. I can’t wait to follow your journey to the Morgan Cup
This is awesome on so many levels! 🔥 Congratulations @Inioch !!
People... I'm blown away. I had to go back to my hidey hole (ie. storage) to record this.

A million times thank you to all and especially to @JB for the honor!

Love it man. Love how you've just dove right into THP since joining. Congrats and I hope you can make it next year.
@Inioch that is seriously awesome! Can’t wait to have you over here across the pond!
Congrats @Inioch looking forward to following your journey stateside!
People... I'm blown away. I had to go back to my hidey hole (ie. storage) to record this.

A million times thank you to all and especially to @JB for the honor!

This is what it is all about! I love the passion you have @Inioch! Happy holidays and congrats!
Congrats to you @Inioch looking forward to following your journey
People... I'm blown away. I had to go back to my hidey hole (ie. storage) to record this.

A million times thank you to all and especially to @JB for the honor!

This right here if it doesn’t give you chills something is wrong! Absolutely pumped this tap happened!!! You’ve earned it buddy!
Hell yeah @Inioch !!! Congrats!
Super cool surprise for @Inioch today.
People... I'm blown away. I had to go back to my hidey hole (ie. storage) to record this.

A million times thank you to all and especially to @JB for the honor!

Merry Christmas!!
Awesome news to wake up to!

Congrats @Inioch