1. Do you think you are a good (forget about distance in this case) driver of the ball?

I used to be pretty good, but have gotten worse (stupid swing change to try to fix my irons has screwed up my driver). I hover around 50-53% driver accuracy over my last 20+ rounds, but my last three rounds it has killed me - only around 35% in my last three.

2. Do those numbers (in the 1st paragraph) hold true for you?

I certainly lose a ball off the tee at least once or twice per round.
Looking back, would I have changed anything (other than the outcome)? Maybe a little. All three holes are ones that I put a little pressure on myself to hit one out there a long ways. In other words, I was thinking about the second shot before I hit the first one. .

If I only had a dollar for every time I saw someone miss a drive due to saying they were going to give this one a little extra I might be rich (if it was the 20's lol) . But really its such a killer. I've witnessed this so very many times and sure most you as well. Either yourself or someone else wants the extra on this shot and much more often then not ends up with one the worst ones of the day. Even after many years and many lessons learned we still just don't get it sometimes.
1. Do you think you are a good (forget about distance in this case) driver of the ball?

Not right now. Right now I am fighting over swinging with the woods, and its tough not to. I am just finishing lessons and my two worst habits right now are not keeping my left foot down and my right hand weaker. The lower the loft the more trouble with direction.

2. Do those numbers (in the 1st paragraph) hold true for you?

Absolutely. The place I play at most has a lot of 70+ year old pine trees. Ending up under one means taking a part swing chip out to get the ball out of trouble. Playing like a hero will turn out badly so you might as well take your medicine.