Freddie, can you fix this?


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Reaction score
Lumber Bridge, NC
I have serious issues with my swing, and Ron took some pictures which showed some glaring faults in my swing. I just don't know how to fix the. I'm sure as soon as I put the pictures up, you'll see the immediate issue on my follow through. My lower body just doesn't resemble what it should be doing and I really want to start playing some better golf.

If you could take a look and see if there's any drills to improve my follow through, I would greatly appreciate it. I can get video when the weather is a bit nicer outside if that would help. It's just a mess right now and I really don't know where to start.

Your setup looks good, don't change a thing. What concerns me is the lack of weight shift from right to left. In pic three and five, look at the rear foot. It's planted on the ground. This means you either never shifted your weight or you hung back. I personal think it's the first. Your weight stays neutral over both feet throughout the entire swing. Which means you're swing is all upper body. This is fine on certain days but more often then not will produce a poor result.

You have to get that weight over to the right on the back swing and over to the left on the down swing. This is a minor shift that can.produce a great deal of power and distance.

The drill for this is to take a club and lay it across your chest..fold your arms across your chest to keep the club secure. From your setup position I want you to turn away from the ball 90* and feel 60% of your weight shift to the right. This move should have pulled your left shoulder behind the ball or.even with the ball.

On the return swing or downswing i.want this started by rotating the left hip away from the ball. Meaning, feel as though someone has grabbed your front belt loop.ocer your left pocket and if pull you away from the ball. Not toward then target. Once this starts you soul feel the weight move from the right to left. If the shoulders and arms have hung back for a split second then the over the top you have will be a thing of the past. And if yoy allow the arms to swing down your intended target line, youll.see better extention and power. Work on that drill for a few weeks and.let me know if it helps.