Fundementals... Do you practice them?

During my last lesson, my coach showed me how I was aligned by holding a club across various points on my body. How I even make contact sometimes amazes me. Shoulders, arms, hips and feet all aimed in different directions. No wonder I can't be consistent. Gotta practice getting aligned better
not enough. I recently have been playing with ball position, mainly distance from the ball and am amazed how it can change shot shape. I find it tough to maintain a consistent distance from the ball though.
Practice can mean to train by repeated exercise; and it can mean to apply. In the second sense "practicing fundamentals" would mean using them. I never practice gripping a golf club. When I grip a golf club; it is my practice to do so properly. I do not practice aligning correctly; it is my practice to align myself correctly. Making a habit of good form frees the head for other concerns. Of course it is necessary to identify sound practices in order to apply them; but that is only a beginning and needn't be repeated endlessly once you've got the balance of it.
Honestly I try to monitor the fundamentals often, near continuously. Making sure grip, posture, and alignment are good makes it easier to understand what else may be going wrong once the basics are sound. I read Hogan, Nicklaus, and Palmer quite a bit and all three preach similar emphasis on fundmentals. I will say it is a difficult thing to self monitor small changes over time, especially when you "feel" like you are doing things OK but missing. There is always another challenge or area for improvement.