Grips. Matching or multiple.


Formerly Bbutler
Albatross 2024 Club
Dec 17, 2019
Reaction score
Do you prefer all your grips to match in your bag? Do you have multiples in your bag. Building a set of irons soon considering going Lamkin Sonar. Current bag is neatly all Mcc plus 4. Only club in bag that is not is driver. It’s miss matched because shaft in it is not actually mine. Are you grip sensitive? Or could you care less?
Not grip sensitive, they are all midsize MCC+4's because thats is what works for me. I think I have three different colors in there because I couldnt always get my preferred black/grey when I got a new club or two.... When they are in the bag you cant see them anyhow, even if you could I wouldn't care. I let the shots speak for themselves, what its done with is irrelevant.
I prefer them all to match, I like the same feel throughout the bag. I'm all for eliminating as many variables as possible.
I can't remember the last time all 13 of my swing grips matched. The one common denominator of all my grips, though, is they all have to be at least half cord.
Pretty standard stuff… Tour Velvet, no extra wraps, nothing. They’re not exotic or sexy but, they work, for me.’
I have had so much new equipment go in the bag in the last few years that I have only had clubs regripped once to have all 13 match. I generally have the same brand but have all different types of grips from Driver to 3w to 5w to iron set to wedges. Wild times.
I like them all to be the same type.
I’ve played CP2 Wrap midsize for at least 3 years now. But, they weren’t a stock choice for our Morgan Cup clubs so I have midsize MCC+4s. They aren’t bad but feel noticeably different than the CP2s.
Right now only my driver is different. It has a JumboMax M on it to keep me from flipping my hands and hitting the huge duck hook
Almost everything in my bag is different lol.


All different. Would I prefer them to be the same? Probably. Most of mine are different because theyvare stock grips still.

Someday they will all be the same... but with what grips? I just dont know.
I have been moving toward all matched but I am not that sensitive.
I prefer to have everything but putter match.
May blow off the Mcc plus 4s on old shafts. Reuse them to keep everything matching. I do really like the feel of the Sonars
I prefer the same feel for all my grips, so every time I order a club I get the same grip.
Mismatched grips doesn't bother me at all as long as they're in decent shape. I think I have at least 3 or 4 different types in my bag right now.
Same grip, different colors...
are not matching at all... though I need to get them regripped and will likely get the same grips across the board for everything except my wedges, for which I tend to like softer, more tacky grips.
Prefer matching. Can deal with it is they are close.
I'd like them to be all the same but will not take off a perfectly good grip just because it doesn't match the majority.
Same on all of mine from when I got fit. The only one different that I will change when I get my set redone is the 3W I inherited from my brother in law as he doesn't use it. MCC +4s all through. Will replace with the same but a different colour just because I want a change.
MCC plus 4 gray midsize on all irons and driver with 3 extra wraps and a half wrap on the top 5”.

MCC Plus 4 gray Jumbos on 3 & 7 wood and 4 Hybrid.