If You Are in the Market for Hybrids...


Earthbound Extraterrestrial
Albatross 2024 Club
Sep 5, 2009
Reaction score
South of Boston
You may want to consider the Adams IDEA Pro Golds. They originally retailed for $239 and you can find them for as low as $79.99.

I finally found a hybrid (20º and 23º) that has minimal offset and doesn't hook. The ball makes a very pleasing sound coming off the club face and the launch and trajectory is just right. The 23º is also great to chip with in the green side rough.

Anyway, just thought I'd pass this along. :)
Nice, that's a pretty good deal. Along the same lines, Nickent 4 and 5 dx's are available on ebay and amazon for pretty good prices. I just used ebay's "buy it now" to buy two 4dx'es for $39.99 each.
I played the Nickents and the Adams A7OS and stayed with the Adams. You can pick them up on eBay for $100.00, not really cheap but it beats $150.00.
I have one of the earlier Adams Idea Pro I-woods 2I. I think its 18* or maybe 17* i forget. I don't hit it much off the ground, but its a good utility club. Works well off the tee, nice low trajectory, lots of roll out. I've used it with success on bump and run shots, punching out from under trees and still advancing the ball a good distance etc.
I have the Adams PNT2 and it is without a doubt the best hybrid I've ever hit