Matching gap wedge or no?


2024 Morgan Cup - Team Paradise #DriveFor5
Albatross 2024 Club
Nov 17, 2018
Reaction score
Southern Ohio/Eastern Kentucky
I’m in need of a wedge between the PW and my 54*. I was going to pick up a matching gap wedge for my iron set but started thinking (probably a bad idea) that I rarely use that wedge for full swings. Mostly longer chips or partial swings from 80 and in.

Do I sacrifice forgiveness for more versatility and stopping power or go with the more forgiving design and deal with it’s limitations, if there are any.

A little about my game. I suck. BUT, I’m getting better, I think. Finally figured out my driver, my approach games is hit and miss, mostly miss, and my short game really sucks. If I can get the short game right I can see low 80’s in my future.
I never did well with the matching gap, so I have a Titleist vokey 50 that's great on full swings and partials
When i bought my current set it was 6i - GW, so mine matches but honestly its not necessary.
I think it depends on the set. T100s and ZX7 set gap wedges are fantastic. Prior to those I only used a specialty wedge in the gap slot.

The set is Tour Edge C721’s. The thought of a hollow body, hot faced gap wedge is why I’m thinking about a specialty wedge
I do have a t300 GW that matches my irons, but I just started testing a CBX ZipCore 48* in that slot.
When i bought my current set it was 6i - GW, so mine matches but honestly its not necessary.

The gap wedge itself isn’t necessary or that fact that it’s a matching wedge?
I’m in need of a wedge between the PW and my 54*. I was going to pick up a matching gap wedge for my iron set but started thinking (probably a bad idea) that I rarely use that wedge for full swings. Mostly longer chips or partial swings from 80 and in.

Do I sacrifice forgiveness for more versatility and stopping power or go with the more forgiving design and deal with it’s limitations, if there are any.

A little about my game. I suck. BUT, I’m getting better, I think. Finally figured out my driver, my approach games is hit and miss, mostly miss, and my short game really sucks. If I can get the short game right I can see low 80’s in my future.
Get a gap wedge that gives you the most versatilty, plays well on FULL swing shots, and can help you around the green, with a pitch shot. I use my gap mainly for full swings, but I have used to make long chips, or a 30-40 yard pitches, bump and runs. My gap wedge matches my sand and lob. I have CBX2's, and I love them. I have not played anything but Cleveland wedges for just about all my time playing golf. The Zipcores are the lastest iteration of Cleveland wedges, and are highly regarded. Has the DNA of my CBX2's, with some improved features. I can get a 2 piece ball to check on the green, with some rollout with these wedges.
So, it took me about 5 years to really get the short game down, to where I trust my swing, distance control, direction. With that being said, watch videos that have an emphasis on chips, and pitches. Watch the pros on Tour, on TV, and pay attention when they are greenside. You must keep your left wrist firm(right handed)thru the swing, and do NOT try to help the ball up, especially when in the sand greenside. I see that all the time when in the sand, the player will start an abbreviated swing, and then as they make contact, both elbows fly straight up, and the contact is feeble, and the ball goes about 10 feet tops, and no where near their target. Distance control is in the back swing..Practice, Practice, Practice. I still practice this shot at the range, on the grass tees, whenever I go there...
I have a matching 49 degree wedge, but I really just use it for full or slightly softer shots.
My set GW is 46° and I also have a 50. The set GW is for full shots and the 50 is for less than full shots. The yardage of the GW is 125-135ish and 50 has some overlap with my 54 but I use it when I’d be stretching the 54,
I don't think there's a definitive answer. I eventually replaced the GW in my previous set of irons with a CBX because I just couldn't get along with the set GW. But I got the set GW with my new irons and it suits me very well.
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I would go the versatility route using bounce as forgiveness. There’s more control with a partial swing, so I don’t know that you’ll need the benefits of full face forgiveness and likely makes the forgiving club less useful. For instance, there are chip shots that can be made toward the toe of the club when necessary like on speedy greens, thick lie near the green, etc where you want the ball to come out kinda dead…just my opinion, but ultimately it’s a balance between psychological comfort, improvement, and how you want to stretch yourself as a player.
My Edel irons which are incoming is only the 2nd set of clubs I’ve owned that will or have contained a set GW. I lean toward a gw that matches my sw and lw
I am a matching gap wedge guy. For me that club is mostly a full swing club but I also find it is plenty versatile. In my set it is a 48* that is great for full swings and plenty versatile to use for chipping around the green.
I ordered a new set of clubs that will have matching shafts on my wedges. 48, 56, and 60. The 48 and 58 are XXIO 12s.
Wedge play is a strong part of my game. I make a lot of approach shots even when other parts of my game aren't working.
I will usually default to a set GW if it is offered. Generally only use it for full swing shots and the occasional bump and run right off the green. Use my bladed 54 and 58 degree wedges for the overwhelming majority of shots inside from 105 yards and in.
My set came with the matching GW and it performs well enough i've never though about replacing it. That said, I use it for full shots. If I only used it for specialty shots my thought process might change.
GW/AW is almost 100% a full swing club for me, so it made sense to me to have it match the specs of the irons. All the short game shots I do with either a SW or LW, or if I'm hitting a bump and run I'm going down to PW or even 9i.

It's a short enough club though that I don't think it's a deal breaker either way.
Thinking of doing this on my next set. I get the nervous nellys with the thin wedge in my hand... wondeirng if matching would give me more confidence....

Any thoughts? I usually am hitting this one thin and 100% it is a full shot. tell me which way to go
For me it very much depends on the set. If there is a set matching gap wedge I find that the PW is usually like 42deg and the gap is 48ish so I go ahead and pick up the set wedge. If it's a more traditionally lofted set where the PW is 46-48deg then I will get a specialty gap wedge.
It really depends on you and the set. I'm getting along really well with my current gap wedge. My last set I was using a "real" wedge in that spot. If you're buying one club, and you know what fits you, why not just get a "real" wedge with the shaft/loft etc that you want?
My wedges are 48-52-56-60. Never had a gap issue with them. If a certain, strange yardage comes up, I could always open the face up on one of those.

Worst case scenario, if needed, I could do the same with my 44*, or 40* degree clubs. (9i & 8i).