New TP5 and TP5X Proto Coming out! Is anyone willing to try them out and change their current ball

Maybe , but tend to keep 2-3 balls model / brand only and very happily continue with current .
Was looking into these. TP 5x. Played Pro v 1x for a while then changed to the Crome soft x LS although both are great balls I feel I don’t have the control I’m looking for. (In the quest for the perfect game ball)


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Sure I’ll give them a try why not. Would need to be pretty impressive to remove the Chrome Soft or Bridgestone out of the bag
I just switched to the Tour Response and picked up a few yard driving and better greenside spin than my old 2pc ball.
A 70ish ball compression works for me better than the soft 2pc balls or the much higher compression of TP5 or Pro V1.
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Always intrigued about new Ball releases. I'll wait till I hear some things about them.
I don’t use the TP5 or TP5X currently. I would be open to trying it though. I have stuck with the same ball all year, Kirkland since it’s cheap. But I don’t loose balls like I used to so I would consider upgrading to a “premium” ball.
Absolutely. There I things I like about the current TP5 but overall there are better balls for me. If the new one performs a little closer to what I want I'll gladly switch. I like the pix and custom options you can do with them. Plus I'm sure they'll go ever further off the face of my Stealth haha.
Been waiting for these to drop.
There will probably be a few dozen in the house when they come out. They’re a good spring/fall ball for my son. They just don’t bite as much as others in the summer. It’s pretty interesting to see the difference in green action with different balls and between the both of us. But we’ll probably both try em out and see what shakes out.
Will definitely give them a try and would certainly entertain a switch if the performance exceeded my current ball. This goes for any ball, not just these.
If the reviews are good I might be interested just because their pix and custom designs are pretty fun