Ping Zing irons drama..


Jan 23, 2023
Reaction score
Wellington New Zealand
My 78yo brother is visiting for a few days with his irons 😞 upsetting him and as I know a little about fitting my own clubs he's asking for me to fix it 😇
Currently playing Taylormade r7 irons setup for orange dot to match his old pings that his X played with after getting them cut 1.5 inches lol, he loved the Zing irons and wants them back as he's not happy with the Tm's and never was but.
He got given a set of Ping eye 2 irons and I put the black dot spec's shafts into the zing's without touching them and liked them he did 👍 he shot nett 62 with them and played them .5inch down the shaft and back to little brother to fit them properly 😉, so he was orange dot but he's much older and wrist to floor is 31inches.

I'm thinking cut a half inch and maybe slight adjustment to lie angle but he also wants them Spined, it didn't work for me but ok BIG brother whatever 😔 plus there's a big difference between the Tm's and Pings in swingweight, Tm 8 iron Graphite shaft is C1 while the Ping 8 iron is D0 plus the ping is half inch longer and steel shaft?? I'm looking for suggestions 😔 plz
Amazed nobody on this forum has had that problem 😔 I'm unique 😇😁