Playing over 2 years, still unable to connect with ball

Nothing like a 20 handicap for giving advice...but...couple of things I have been told which seem to help with consistency:

-the butt drill-Take your normal golf stance, no club or ball, standing so that your butt is touching the wall. Cross your arms in front of your chest. Complete a slow motion full takeaway and full downstroke...while maintaining contact with the wall and your butt (going from cheek tot cheek) without any sliding left or right nor up and down. 5 minutes a day for two weeks...then

-move away from a wall, add a club. Pick a spot on the floor where the ball should be-slow motion-full takeaway, full downswing, club passing through imaginary ball location then full follow through. 5 minutes a day for two weeks.

To me, Its all physics-we need to get the club face back to where it started, with repeatable efficiently. Adding non essential body motion, adds non essential arm movements to try and correct. I don't correct well. lol