vertical head movements


Active member
Dec 22, 2021
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Just wanted some thoughts about this.
lately my head is stable vertical level ( some minimal lateral movements)
I think this is unnatural
I use to have a head drop and maybe I was taught this was a bad thing to do and have tried to keep the head at the same height vertically.
when I watch some pros there is some head movements

During the swing, Some pros flex the head forward at the neck ( paula creamer) and some allow the head to drop with the pelvis Squat ( Tiger)
I think this is dynamic part of the golf and swing and if the head moves with the swing then allow it.
Often, the best athletes are good in spite of their technique. There can be problems associated with head movement. If you have head movement and don't have specific issues related to head movement, it's probably not a big deal.
I was taught not to worry too much about head movement. That there was always going to be some head movement

What I was taught was to pay attention to my upper sternum. That my sternum (center chest) controlled my shoulders, and my head.

That if I kept my sternum the same distance from the ball, even though it moves during the swing, my club head, ball impact would be more consistent.
I been hitting my irons and wedge really well when I let my head move with my swing One thing I notice is my timing of my head rotation is in synch with the turn of my shoulder blades.
A bit of neck tilt with eyeline and chin toward target at set up
The knees are a hinge that allows the pivot to work. If the knees are working correctly, the player can maintain a motionless head.
I read that somewhere - I have a talent for remembering trivia related to the golf swing.
I been finding the driver swing set up is very different than my standard iron setup
With regard to Head movement. I feel more confident when I flex my neck forward with the driver setup like I’m getting ready to jump
The low point is just in front of my rear foot in the driver swing I have swing up on the ball (ball is closer the front foot) I need to lower my head to lift /jump/ into the ball just before impact.
I do try and keep my head "tall" so my shoulder can rotate under it freely. Regarding head movement, I try not to focus on it too much as I'm focusing on hitting the ball at a certain spot on the ball. I don't release my head until after the ball is off the tee, or off the ground.

I can't tell you if it's perfectly still or not. I can tell you that I try my very best not to sway at all. That leads to bad things.