Which hazards distract you the most?


2023 Grandaddy X!!!
Albatross 2024 Club
Jul 8, 2019
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
Are you more distracted by one type of hazard than others?

I swear on most days my golf balls have water homing systems built in. Water always distracts me and I guess my golf balls enjoy splashing about
The beverage cart girl.

Course hazards would be the bunker in middle of fairway or the crap in between split fairways
My golf swing.

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Water, definitely water
Tree lined fairways on the right side. If you could keep all the hazards on the left that would be great.
Water. Specifically on the right side of the hole.
Windy conditions…don’t know if that is a traditional hazard but it really gets in my head.
The hole. Ball never seems to find the right place to go…
I always play away from hazards when ever I can. Over a year's worth of play, I've found this to be a shot saving rule of thumb.

However, forced carries over water, off the tee box always gets my attention. Especially the longer ones.

My problem with these these shots is that I try to put a little extra effort into my swing, which screws up my swing tempo. Nothing good ever happens when I swing too fast.

If room is available, I will hit around them, as my hero shot days are long gone.
Water lining the right side of the fairway. Natural shot shape is a fade so if it's a tight fairway, it's a little nervy and will usually pull 3 wood.
Water for sure. Fairway bunkers are just a different hitting surface, at least the ball is still in play
The woods for me. I hit it in the trees a lot so getting stuck behind a tree is always distracting to me.
Anything on the right side. Water, sand, trees, waste areas, you name it.
water or large amount of trees on the left. Always worried my snap hook will show up at the worst times.
I am honestly not too distracted by hazards. I was taught early by my Dad to 'not' see them. That said, what gets me is a water hazard bumped up to the edge of a green - no matter where they touch - the kind that are divided by telephone poles mostly. Alternately, the hazard that you know is there but you can't see it from your shot, and it could come into play - those kind of drive me nuts.
Water on the left.
Water is about the only thing I will pay attention to but it doesn’t bother me. I think a well placed fairway bunker gets in my head more than anything else.
OB stakes are my kryptonite. I rarely make a good swing with OB stakes on either side! 😑
Forced carry over water. I can ignore water left or right but water that is a forced carry just seems to always get in my head and it's going in the drink. :(
Yes, I'd say water above all. The course where I play in league has several holes where water has to be carried or avoided. Because I was so inconsistent last year, I lost far too many balls.
Green-side bunkers until I develop a better sand game.
Fairway bunkers aren’t terrible and I don’t mind water hazards as much as thick woods.
OB. More penal on the scorecard than water hazards.
Water for sure.
Water, especially forced carry approach shot is the worst. I can lay up to within a couple feet and still manage to chunk or top it into the water.