Who is at fault here?

Who is at fault??

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First...the range

Second...the righty. You OBVIOUSLY know the dude next to you is a lefty. Lefty hit a shot, then righty hit a shot. Let the lefty hit the shot and just continue to co-exist.
Lefty for sure, they are going against the grain when swinging so need to check their surroundings. or learn to hit righty :ROFLMAO:
If you look close, it appears that the righty had moved his mat away from the lefty. There is a clean spot next to the mat. The lefty should have done the same. I dont feel that the bays are super small, just about average. So #1 lefty, #2 Range. Also IN that situation I would have looked for a different bay.
The range is at fault, stalls are too close together.
Lefty. Go to the bay that fits your swing.
The lefty is fun to blame always. But, his backswing was waaaaay into the other bay. He’s clearly super tall too. He should know better.
This is my nightmare on the range, but I always envision it's going to be my head and not the club. The range is at fault for having these so close together...the person who arrived second of these is at fault for not recognizing it. Unfortunately it's still probably the lefty because this range just isn't equipped to handle people who are on the wrong side, because this will ALWAYS happen if it's packed here for them.
No ones fault, neither where paying attention obviously to what the other was doing. Knowing a lefty or righty is behind you you should check to see if its clear.
The stalls are to close together.
Blame the lefty cause there’s less of us. Path of least resistance.
Whoever was the second to arrive at their stall
This right here is the correct answer.

But also, just learn to hit righty. We all know lefties are smarter and more talented, so learning to hit righty is no problem for a lefty.

(Yes, I am a lefty who hits righty.)
Need to pan back to see if this is a standing directly next to someone at an empty bank of urinals type of situation before I’m willing to make a call.
Gotta be whoever is second to come to that space. If there was other area's to hit off and I was there first, I would politely ask the other person to take a different stall to benefit us both. If they said no, but there were other spots that a lefty could more freely swing, I would move.
I feel very attacked in here
There's far more righties than lefties. You would think a lefty would be mindful of that since he's in the minority. But yeah, that bay is way too small.
There's far more righties than lefties. You would think a lefty would be mindful of that since he's in the minority. But yeah, that bay is way too small.
That makes the assumption the righty was there first though. It is possible they were unaware of each other depending on who was there first and what direction they came from.
as a Left Handed Golfer myself I always when at a Golf Course Range go as far away from anyone and to the further right side so that way when I'm in a bay I'm facing the guy next to me and they are facing me just so something like this doesn't happen...but in this case with the 15seconds of watching looks like the bays are way to close to each other
Driving range fault all day long for me. Poor setup/design. Embarrassing they thought that it was okay like that.
100% the range for cramming people in so close.

Also, both golfers. I have never ever set up at a range back to back Lefty to righty, won't allow myself to do it... just freaks me out.

Finally, the Leftie's fault. Way into the other bay. It sucks but yeah, it is his fault.
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Went with lefty even though all the answers may be correct. Why, I’m left handed but play right, and as a left hander we have always had to adapt, school, work and about everything else. Always tell young left handed people that I meet that they need to learn how to adapt because it’s generally a right handed world.
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Whoever built the range?
Lefty for sure. But damn, are those stalls close together!?!? I wouldn't be that close to begin with. Always be aware of your surroundings, even on the range :eek:
The range for putting the bays so close together.
Who ever was there 2nd is at fault.
Lefty. A little awareness would’ve helped. Like maybe let’s not practice that shallow, no wrist hinge takeaway that sends the club into the next bay. This looks so much like I wouldn’t be swinging driver.

Who still uses a steel shafted driver?

But seriously, lefties on the right side of the range, righties on the left. That way shanks are the only concern, and props if you can hit one towards an alternate-handed golfer on purpose :ROFLMAO:
The lefty should have enough self awareness to use the far right stalls at the range.