How many have a spouse that makes more money than you?

We make about the same the last few years but she's going back to school and in a couple years she will probably close to double what I make, and I'm super cool with it. Might give me a chance to try something different that what I've been doing for the last 12 years. Not that I don't like what I do, but I've never really had a reasonable chance to consider what else I might try if given one.

I'm not looking for a new SO that makes more, but it certainly wouldn't bother me if she happened to. I made a good bit more than my ex, but your comment about having a chance to try something different really rings a bell for me. As it stands, now, I'm just trying to make it through the next 9 years, when I will have a bit more freedom to change careers/positions without as much emphasis on salary-type compensation.
Like some of the others, my wife stays home and takes care of the kids right now. When our oldest is in elementary school, my wife will probably go back to teaching. I'll make more, but both her careers are much more rewarding than mine.
I would think most of us would agree that marriage is a partnership. To use business as an analogy, it is not an affiliation agreement between separate business, but rather a merger, a complete and total merger. In the business established by my wife and I, we have assigned duties, so to speak. One might say, I am in charge of manufacturing and sales, while she runs the business office, specifically purchasing and accounting.
My girlfriend graduates next year after 6 long years in pharmacy school. So yes, her starting salary will be more than double what I make 2 years into my career.
My wife makes double what I do and I love it!! Keep telling her if she would stop slacking, I could play golf full time.
When funds are shared, who makes what does not really matter to me. It is just nice that the other half brings in what they do.
If I ever get married again, I am going to reverse it, this time I will get a wife who will support me, the other way did not work out so well lol

I got no significant I would say No.....hehe
Um, yes. I teach, she's still a med resident and makes almost double me.
You know I love reading this stuff to my co workers ( they never even played golf .. Think it is for sissies ) . Anyway , some of the best times with a significant other are when you kinda struggle and need each other to really make it . All you have is each other .. Lots of Love at night / life / paycheck to paycheck . Money clouds things
my coworkers still laugh at a hard nosed mill foreman like me plays golf ..
Mine works for the County so no chance but can't beat the benifits
My wife doesn't...yet. But she could be well on her way to making triple if not more than me. No more work for me. Haha.
My wife doesn't...yet. But she could be well on her way to making triple if not more than me. No more work for me. Haha.

We think alike.

2 years for me. TWO. YEARS.
We think alike.

2 years for me. TWO. YEARS.

If it works out like I hope it does, I could be done by this year. Probably won't happen but it sure would be nice.
my wife did. Now she is back in school and I'm positive she will when she is done.
My soon to be wife makes more than double what I do. I have no problem with it. If we were ever in a situation where she made enough money that I could quit working, be Mr. Mom and play golf every day after I get the kids off to school; Id be OK with that.
Mine has been making more than me for a number of years, we both worked at the same company for a while, the part of the company I worked in was closed back in 2010, but she was always paid more. I have never had a problem with that, it is goes into the same pot. I should say she also has never had an issue with me ho'ing golf equipment . . . got to love that!
Since we moved to Baytown in November after her father passed away, we have no house note the house is paid off been in her side of family for 3 generations, both cars are paid off. She has her teacher salary with 17 years in and a Masters, plus we get her fathers pension monthly so yes she makes the money I just recently within the last 2 months took a part time sales job at Golfsmith not for the money but for something to do about 3 days a week and play the other 3
I'm not looking for a new SO that makes more, but it certainly wouldn't bother me if she happened to. I made a good bit more than my ex, but your comment about having a chance to try something different really rings a bell for me. As it stands, now, I'm just trying to make it through the next 9 years, when I will have a bit more freedom to change careers/positions without as much emphasis on salary-type compensation.

Yeah, we are both making big sacrifices to make this happen, we sold our house, paid off her car, i sold mine and got a beater. It's going to be worth it though. I would say I'm very fortunate that she is so good at what she does and driven enough to do what she's doing. I never really thought about ever doing anything too different, mostly because it would be financially a difficult thing to do, and going into this was a little scary, but we have made a lot of good moves so I really don't think it's going to be a struggle like I thought it might.

Ok, time to go golf now.

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Mine should, she's a brilliant person. She's one of the main operations trainers in the state for a major retail chain. She could and should make double doing the same thing somewhere else.
When I was back in the UK, I comfortably out earned her. Trouble was, I was in the UK, she was in California. So I gave up a 6 figure salary and moved to the US. I don't have a US education and I live in a semi rural area, so whereas there are jobs available, I'm earning no where near what I was earning back home. The wife now earns nearly double what I earn. Am I bothered about it? Nope. Obviously, I'd love to earn more, but if my wife was earning what I was earning our life would be a lot harder than it is now. I did have to come to terms with the fact as I was preparing to move out, but we talked about it, we were both realistic and it is what it is. She has a much better chance of career advancement than me, so the gap is only likely to increase, but it benefits our expanding family, so i support her in her career 1 million per cent!
My wife and I make almost the exact same amount, I have the opportunity to work overtime to pad the family coffers but hourly she makes just a little more than I do. I told her to get working on advancing so I can be a stay at home dad/golfer but she just laughs when I mention it.
My wife currently makes less than me, but owning her own business "family daycare" one day she should make more or less the same as me. My wife has taken after my mom who runs her own daycare. My mom makes close to 150k a year.

I'm an electrical engineer and even at the highest rate I don't see me making more than 150k in a year.

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My wife makes a few grand per year more than me. I don't care. After I finish my masters eventually I'll pass her. We pool all our money anyway and I'm the CFO of the family so it doesn't really matter.
I retired from the NYPD in 2010. With all of the overtime I worked, I always managed to make more than my wife but barely.

When I retired, she wanted me to postpone working again to tend to the kids and the house so she could advance her career. She has indeed. Even if i were still on the job, assuming a moderate raise (which still hasn't happened for them!) and killing it with OT, she'd beat me easily.

Her new goal, to make enough so that I never have to work again. I love that woman!!!