What are you drinking right now?

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Can of 7up
Working hard on that 1st cup of coffee.
agua and more agua
Morning coffee.

Tap Tap Tap
3rd cup of coffee...
coffee....but not strong enough (the coffee that is)
Black coffee--made from beans that I roasted yesterday--
Light Caramel frappucino with 2 shots of espresso from starbucks.
can of pepsi max
Diet Coke
8 ounces of carrot juice mixed with 4 ounces of Acai berry juice. Taste horrible since I just finished brushing my teeth. Haha

- Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Caffeine Free Coke
another cup of coffee. only 3 hours of sleep and I actually have to be productive today. not a good combo.
Pineapple juice. I just had my wisdom teeth taken out. The doc said pineapple juice helps with the swelling.
Ice water for me.
5-hour Energy. The day is really draggin'.
Nothing right now, but it will be a Gin & Tonic later. Warm-weather equals Gin & Tonic, cold-weather equal Maker's Mark either on the rocks or with ginger ale. Tailgating equals Yuengling and mini-bottles of Makers to take in the game.

It sucks

phatphingers like tapppytalk
werd up my homie not from wyoming... ghetto is koolaid mmm
Water for tomorrow
Coffee, ummmmmm.
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