Which Gaming System Are You Choosing?


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Albatross 2024 Club
Staff member
Oct 8, 2008
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Deserted island, you have one system for a week to get by. Which are you choosing?

And if the answer is none, no need to share it.

Gotta go with the Nintendo
N64 with 007 and Star Fox
I'd take the old school Nintendo
From those options it would be the SNES
Super Nintendo
I want to say genesis, but I'll go with SNES because I spent a lot of time on that.
N64 for me
N64. Such an awesome system. Slappers only no Odd Job!
Nintendo NES.
N64 easy would be an easy choice if I wasn't by myself. It was amazing to play in groups. By myself I might have to say the regular old NES. It had a lot of great games. I would just try to beat Metroid till I succeeded.
N64. That was a game changer for console gaming. Get you some golden eye and Mario party/cart. Many weekends with friends wasted this way.
OG Nintendo.
Sega is my nostalgic answer because of Sonic but I honestly couldn’t name another game on that I played lol

So probably N64
the nostalgia in me says toe original Nintendo because that's the only one of the 4 I had. The intellectual part says take the N64 because it has more games that will take longer to beat.
really depends on games, but assuming I have them all, OG nintendo. Gunsmoke, baseball stars, duck hunt... I could be happy for a while.
OG Nintendo 8-bit for sure. Only problem is, I'd need to be blowing on the cartridges every 10 min. IYKYK
I only had the original Nintendo and the SNES, so I'll choose SNES.
SNES and all the JRPG’s I can pack.
All about the original Nintendo, just the sheer amount of games would carry me through. ;)
N64 - I could play Ocarina of Time on repeat