Mike Tyson Punches Man On Plane

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Thrillbilly Jim

DillyWood Express #2
Albatross 2024 Club
Oct 11, 2018
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WARNING: Languge

I expected the drunk guy to look a lot worse.
Among the dumb things to do, annoying Mike Tyson on an airplane is probably near the top of that list.
Like Mike Tyson once said like Phil said, we all do dumb **** when we’re ****** up.
Somebody should have shown that guy this video.

“Everyone’s gotta plan until they get punched in the mouth!” -Mike Tyson
Bet that didn’t feel good
Say hello to the world's newest millionaire.
Still got it.

At least it looks like the guy that got beat up was having a good time. I am not seeing a lawsuit here.
Someone acted like this on a plane around me and they deserve to get pummeled. Tyson did the entire plane a favor.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. That guy will sue and get some money but he’s damn lucky he didn’t get carried off the plane.
I know you want a keepsake, but an indent of his fist on the side of your head is not the way to go.
“Everyone’s gotta plan until they get punched in the mouth!” -Mike Tyson
That's one of my favorite quotes of all times. It's also very true in so many regards.

Tyson should never have hit him, there's no excusing it. It wasn't cute or funny when Will Smith did it, it still isn't now.
That's one of my favorite quotes of all times. It's also very true in so many regards.

Tyson should never have hit him, there's no excusing it. It wasn't cute or funny when Will Smith did it, it still isn't now.
Its a little funny. That was Will Smith slapping Chris Rock over a joke. This is some drunk seeing how far he could push Mike Tyson.
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