Tell me you're old without telling me you're old

When I was a kid my phone number was 598J and when you wanted to make a call you talked to the operator and gave her the number you wanted to call. She would connect you to the number you gave her. I lived in town but people who lived n the country had party lines. There were 3-4 people who shared the line and when someone was being called all the people on the party line heard it ring. Your ring was kind of like Morris Code. It may be two long rings followed by a short ring. Someone else's ring may be 3 short rings, etc. Anyone on your party line could lift their receiver and listen in on your call.
College tuition at a top state university was $350 a semester.
On the paper route part, our bags hung from the handlebars, no way you could carry them and ride a bike with them slung over the shoulder like that, just way too many papers to make that work. Mine were more like this:


When I started my route I had 85 customers. I grew the route to 107. Some days the paper was 110-130 pages each. No way I could have delivered this way! I bought a Schwinn 2-speed kickback that was built like a tank. Had a huge basket in front of the handlebars and two huge saddle-style baskets over the rear wheel.
If we got caught doing something that was really over the line in school we were sent to the Vice Principle's office and likely got a few swats.

the simpsons paddle GIF
I remember when the TV repair guy came to your home and his main tool was a tube tester.
I remember when you unplugged your TV set, took the back off of it, pulled al the tubes and took them to the local drugstore that had a tube tester! There were three readings, "Good, Gas, or Bad". You kept the good and replaced the gas or bad.
Don’t go full Velcro. That’s just an advertisement for being old.
But what if you are old? I say wear the velcro with pride!
When I started my route I had 85 customers. I grew the route to 107. Some days the paper was 110-130 pages each. No way I could have delivered this way! I bought a Schwinn 2-speed kickback that was built like a tank. Had a huge basket in front of the handlebars and two huge saddle-style baskets over the rear wheel.
With the size of the papers today you could have a route with 200 on it easy!
If we got caught doing something that was really over the line in school we were sent to the Vice Principle's office and likely got a few swats.

the simpsons paddle GIF
I went to catholic school and when you got out of line the nuns would pull your hair...and when you got home and told your parents you would get smacked again for acting out at school.

Now kids complain to their parents and the parents go to fight the teacher. "It's never MY kids fault, you're a bad teacher.
College tuition at a top state university was $350 a semester.
My first two years of college cost me $1000 for each year. This was in 1967 and 1968 at Southwest Minnesota State in Marshall, MN.
It was also the first two years that there were classes at SMSU. I was in the Charter Class. The $1000 also covered the dorm room.
I remember watching Neil Armstrong first steps on the Moon live.
My first two years of college cost me $1000 for each year. This was in 1967 and 1968 at Southwest Minnesota State in Marshall, MN.
It was also the first two years that there were classes at SMSU. I was in the Charter Class. The $1000 also covered the dorm room.
University of Illinois was $350 for tuition and fees and $650 for room and board per semester from 1974 to 1978. So, $1000 a semester for college. Graduate school was $400 a semester.
When I was born there were no satellites in space (that we know of).
I pulled a muscle sneezing
Watched nasa launches in school. Alan Sheppard through the moon landing
My great-grandfather was born before the Wright brothers made their first plane. Before he died, he saw men land and explore the moon.
We not only rode bikes without helmets, as far as we knew there wasn't such a thing as a bike helmet.

Dr Phil What GIF by 8it
Road for miles & miles... there were no bike paths, no bike helmets, and you probably took the reflectors off the first day you got the bike, cause they were not cool.
If we got caught doing something that was really over the line in school we were sent to the Vice Principle's office and likely got a few swats.

the simpsons paddle GIF
My elementary school principal would give the boys a birthday wack with the paddle. It wasn't that light. The ones that got in trouble got really smacked.
He wore a 3 piece suit every day and a toupee. He was general contractor and would build a small hotel or two every summer. Also a heckuva drummer. End of the year he would bring in his kit and put on a show.

Here's the best part. He and his construction partner built and ran a rural golf course in their retirement years. I knew he was a partner but the first time I played never expected him to be behind the counter in the pro shop. This was nearly 20 years since I had seen him last. He still remembered me.
As children we listened to "The Shadow" a radio sensation created by Walter B. Gibson.
1709078556731.jpegSaw it live!
My first several cars all had the high-beam switch on the floorboard, crank-up windows, cigarette lighter and ashtrays, and drum brakes.
no 8 track?
Captain Kangaroo, anyone?

Hobo Kelly?

H.R. Pufnstuf?

The Banana Splits?

Speed Racer?
Electro woman and DynaGirl
Sigmund and the Sea Monsters