Computer Hobbies?


Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Manitoba, Canada
I find myself really bored on the computer nowadays, usually because I am on the forum so much I catch up with all the new posts and then have nothing to read.

I'm looking for a computer related hobby that will take a really long time. More of like a project. I am really good with computers, so If I put my mind to it I can probably do almost anything.

I enjoy making websites, but have gotten rather bored of that because I have no use for any of them. I also like to make levels for video games, mainly the one I play, but have gotten bored with that as well. Photoshop I have around 2 gigs worth of stuff I have made on my computer, so I think I am pretty much finished with that as well.

Anyone have any ideas?
You could do just about anything. I never run out of things to read on THP. But that is just me. I often find myself going back to older topics and just reading.
Play a new game! Try TF2.

I just go on THP, Photoshop, and soon...gaming. :D
You seemed pretty interested in the Webkinz.:act-up:
You could do just about anything. I never run out of things to read on THP. But that is just me. I often find myself going back to older topics and just reading.

I usually do that as well. But alongside with reading I like to find a side project to do.
The Arcade. Get high score in everything and put SOBAY in his place!
How about homework?
Maybe you need to find yourself a girlfriend, Dent.
Forget hobbies. Set yourself up in business as a computer/webpage consultant. You'll make more than any part-time job can pay you.
How about creating me a server side solution similar to engrade that I can load up onto my own server? It can have a mysql database as well.

You can thank me later for curing you of your boredom.