Vick getting released early

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kind of figured this would happen.
They need to release him right into the middle of the ocean.

Still no love for him.
He'll be wearing black and silver if/when he gets reinstated by the commish.
I'd be happiest if he was just given an outright release by the Falcons, all contracts null-and-void due to his conduct and conviction, and all teams leaving him untouched.

It's still a shame that because what he did was "only" done to animals that it brought a 23 month term, instead of what he'd face for similar charges if done to a human instead.
They need to release him right into the middle of the ocean.

Still no love for him. laughing sooooooo hard.........omgggggg


I don't really care. I don't like what he did, at ALL, but everyone deserves another chance.
As an owner of American Pitt bulls, I hate the guy and he should continue to serve time.

Or the ocean thing!
Unfortunately, I am not surprised that he is getting out early. I wonder if there is any chance at all he learned something while behind bars, but something tells me the answer to that is no. I will never understand how someone can treat animals like that.
you have a pitbull...Why? because your a tough guy or is it because there great with kids?
you have a pitbull...Why? because your a tough guy or is it because there great with kids?

Actually, I've known a few people that owned them. Prior to meeting the first one, I was scared to death of the breed (thank you Big Media!). But they're just like any other animal. Treat them right and they make very loving pets.
I have two pitbulls. MY first because I always wanted one since I had one when I was a toddler. I've always had dogs, my APBT is the best dog I ever had and that's saying alot. So we got him a playmate as well.

Yep, wonderfull with children. My 8 month old baby girl was just yanking his tail as he was chowing down on dinner...Oh the horror! And before you ask, I did not get the keys for their "locking jaws" and I haven't noticed their brains enlarging and pushing into their skulls causing them to "change instantly".

Used to be sorta tough, could care less these days.
Anything else?
Keep it civil guys.
Sorry, but nothing civil about Breed Specific Legislation. Last time there was such a stupid mindset in our country there was also segregation in the United States of America. Land of the free, unless you are a certain breed. Ridiculous media hype and uneducated politicians.
Again, lets get this one back on topic and keep it civil.
Sorry, this is about the only subject that gets me going. I've written and called all sorts of politicians, argued at area city council meetings, and demanded area dog wardens be removed for such ignorance. One was, still working on some others.

Back on subject, of course people can change, but he would have to feel remorse for what he did to those animals, and I simply assume that he truly does not. Then again, people kill humans and feel no remorse, so why should he. Not even a Catch-22, just plain evil, if one believes in evil. More humane to have shot the dogs opposed to fighting and torturing them the way he did.

I thinka poll would be good...
Vick feel remorse...Yes/No, or yes because he was caught! He's aloser and scum in my book.
I figured it out...Definitley the tough guy angle...Pitbulls are used for one thing, intimidation. People dont just go out and buy a pitbull because of its great disposition with children. They go out an buy one for the image it portrays. Please correct me if Im wrong.
We asked that everybody drop it and get this back on topic. THere is no reason to put down or categorize another member on this board for his choice in animals. Drop it and lets get this thread back on topic.
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