
New member
Feb 17, 2013
Reaction score
Richmond, VA
18.5 GHIN
I've been having intermittent back issues all year. Most severe back in early July where I had a spasm that basically kept me confined to bed for 3 days, and away from golf for about a month. When that happened, I was basically pain free with no issues, took a step into my garage (ironically to clean my clubs for a round the next morning), and all of a sudden a shot went up my spine, for some quick immense pain, only to die down a few minutes later to a mild soreness. I figured I'd sleep it off and still play golf the next day. It was only the following morning when I woke up, did I realize the severity and basically unable to do anything (couldn't even put a shirt on or off on my own). I went to a chiropractor for a few weeks, as well as my normal doctor, said I probably had a herniated disc, that caused a severe muscle spasm. He prescribed me some muscle relaxants and told me I just needed to take it easy. Went about a month before I swung a club again.

Fast forward to this morning, had an early round on a new course that I really wanted to check out as in considering joining next season. I was up in the air though if I'd make it out, because Wednesday after hitting some balls, I had a little bit of discomfort in my back. The last two days I've taken it extremely easy, stretching multiple times a day, and even taking some left over muscle relaxants at night. I woke up this morning feeling good, took a few swings in my yard and didn't feel the slightest discomfort, so I decided to head out to the golf course.

Played the first two holes with zero issues, pulled up to the 3rd hole, started walking to the tee box...and bam, just as I took a step, sharp pain in the upper middle of my back, along the left side all the way around my ribs. It died down quickly but I could feel it tightening up, and it was uncomfortable to try to make my backswing, so I left and headed home.

Now here I lay, heating pad on my back, a muscle relaxant down, but have a feeling tomorrow I'm going to be immobile again. Especially sucks since I'm on a plane Monday morning for work, and in a hotel all week coming up.

The most frustrating part off all of this, is both times I felt fine, did something as innocuous as just taking a regular step, and here I am bed ridden. Anyone else deal with anything like this? I love to hear if any successful steps you've taken to deal with back issues and/or prevent them. Atleast while laying here I can read the forums from my phone :)

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I have an annular tear and herniated disc that have been giving me fits for at least a couple years. A lot of times back problems from herniations will spontaneously disappear after a few weeks/months. I haven't been so lucky. I'm currently in PT and they put ice on my back at the end of every session. Heat is good to get you going but ice will help with inflammation. I've had 4 epidurals (3 this year) and nothing is working so far. On the other hand, my stepfather was bedridden, had an epidural last month and is now pain free.

Try taking NSAIDS, muscle relaxers, and ice your back. Don't do any exercises that cause pain. I have to do a lot of stretch exercises but they are very particular about stopping if I feel pain. Some days I can do strengthening and some days there is no way. You might want to ask for a referral to a pain clinic or specialist so they can get to the root of the problem. My therapist has me on golf restriction right now. Stinks but I really don't want to go the surgery route without trying everything else first.

Good luck to you!
Sorry to hear about the back, GP. I had my first experience with back pain/discomfort in August of this year - I immediately went into my doctor and started in PT. I will occasionally have some discomfort, after an active day, or a long round, but the targeted PT has made a huge difference for me. I am continuing with some of the exercises/stretching that target my core, glutes/hips, and hamstrings. We identified some muscle weakness/imbalance/lack-of-flexibility in those areas, and they definitely were contributing to my discomfort. If you have an opportunity, maybe look into targeted PT activities.

KellyBo made a good point, and one that I have learned to make a regular part of a day where I will be pretty active... Prior to any stretching/activity, I put a large heating pad across my back and upper glutes. This helps loosen everything up. Then, I stretch and move in to activities. After I'm done, the same areas (back and upper glutes) get a cold treatment to fight-off or preempt the inflammation that can tighten me up and increases discomfort. During PT, the cold treatment was done in conjunction with TENS treatment... I typically felt better leaving PT than when I walked in. I will be looking into consumer TENS machines over the next couple of months.

Of course, the above was pretty specific to my problem being mostly muscle-related. A specific disc injury might not respond the same way.

Hope you see some improvement, soon.
GP hate to hear your dealing with this back pain. I would suggest getting your doc to refer you to a back specialist. Hope it gets better soon.
I read the title and thought this thread was about something else. Thank god it's not! Hope your back gets better soon
Hate that you're dealing with this. I've basically lost this whole season to back issues. Threw it out in March and June and then tried to tough it out for the Morgan Cup, but my game suffered and it set me way back on my rehab. Played my first 18 last weekend and then walked 9 again this week. Epidural always help me for a bit but I get no long term relief.
Well the good news is a day later, and I'm not as bad off as I was the last time this happened. I can actually dress myself, so that's a plus. Bad news is I'm on a plane first thing tomorrow morning and gone for the entire week. When I get back though, think I'll bite the bullet and reach out to my brother in law who is a PT and only about 20 minutes away. I hate this feeling of vulnerability, and my goal for 2014 is to be able to play pain free!

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I fully understand. I'm giving up the game for the winter. Yesterday barely made it off the course.

tappin from my big as note2