toothsome \TOOTH-suhm\


1. pleasing to the taste; palatable: a toothsome dish.
2. pleasing or desirable, as fame or power.
3. voluptuous; sexually alluring: a toothsome blonde.
razz \raz\,


1. Slang. to deride; make fun of; tease.


1. raspberry; any sign or expression of dislike or derision.
columbine \KOL-uhm-bahyn, -bin\


1. dovelike; dove-colored.
2. of a dove.
malinger \muh-LING-ger\


to pretend illness, especially in order to shirk one's duty, avoid work, etc.
sciamachy \sahy-AM-uh-kee\


an act or instance of fighting a shadow or an imaginary enemy.
fusty \FUHS-tee\


1. old-fashioned or out-of-date, as architecture, furnishings, or the like: They still live in that fusty, gingerbread house.
2. having a stale smell; moldy; musty: fusty rooms that were in need of a good airing.
3. stubbornly conservative or old-fashioned; fogyish.
deipnosophist \dahyp-nos-uh-fist\


a person who is an adept conversationalist at table.
aubade \ oh-BAD, oh-BAHD \


Music . a piece sung or played outdoors at dawn, usually as a compliment to someone.
lingua franca \LING-gwuh FRANG-kuh\


1. any language that is widely used as a means of communication among speakers of other languages.
2. (initial capital letter) the Italian-Provençal jargon (with elements of Spanish, French, Greek, Arabic, and Turkish) formerly widely used in eastern Mediterranean ports
epitome \ih-PIT-uh-mee\


1. a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class: He is the epitome of goodness.
2. a condensed account, especially of a literary work; abstract.
caveat \KAY-vee-at; KAV-ee-; KAH-vee-aht\


1. a warning or caution; admonition.
2. Law. a legal notice to a court or public officer to suspend a certain proceeding until the notifier is given a hearing: a caveat filed against the probate of a will.
hoodwink \HOOD-wingk\


1. to deceive or trick.
2. Archaic. to blindfold.
3. Obsolete. to cover or hide.
cockalorum \kok-uh-LAWR-uhm, -LOHR-\


a self-important little man.
fallacy \FAL-uh-see\


1. a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief, etc.: That the world is flat was at one time a popular fallacy.
2. a misleading or unsound argument.
3. deceptive, misleading, or false nature; erroneousness.
4. Logic. any of various types of erroneous reasoning that render arguments logically unsound.
5. Obsolete. deception.
cognizant \KOG-nuh-zuhnt, KON-uh-\


1. having cognizance; aware (usually followed by of ): He was cognizant of the difficulty.
2. having legal cognizance.
synergy \SIN-er-jee\


1. the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions, etc.; synergism.
2. Physiology, Medicine/Medical. the cooperative action of two or more muscles, nerves, or the like.
3. Biochemistry, Pharmacology. the cooperative action of two or more stimuli or drugs.
geomancy \JEE-uh-man-see\


divination by geographic features or by figures or lines.
fervent \FUR-vuhnt\


1. having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.; ardent: a fervent admirer; a fervent plea.
2. hot; burning; glowing.
claptrap \ KLAP-trap \


1. pretentious but insincere or empty language: His speeches seem erudite but analysis reveals them to be mere claptrap.
2. any artifice or expedient for winning applause or impressing the public.
fantod \FAN-tahd\


1. a state of irritability and tension
2. fidgets
3. an emotional outburst : fit
contiguous \kuhn-TIG-yoo-uhs\


1. touching; in contact.
2. in close proximity without actually touching; near.
a bonus word I thought too good not to post

thingamajig \ THING-uh-muh-jig \



Informal. a gadget or other thing for which the speaker does not know or has forgotten the name.
triumvirate \ trahy-UHM-ver-it, -vuh-reyt \


1. any group or set of three.
2. Roman History. the office or magistracy of a triumvir.
3. a government of three officers or magistrates functioning jointly.
4. a coalition of three magistrates or rulers for joint administration.
5. any association of three in office or authority.
phenom \ FEE-nom, fi-NOM \


1. Slang. a phenomenon, especially a young prodigy: a twelve-year-old tennis phenom.
Eire \AIR-uh, AHY-ruh, AIR-ee, AHY-ree\


1. the Irish name of Ireland.
2. a former name (1937–49) of the Republic of Ireland.